A Secret Revealed

        James awoke slowly.  He was in Serena's house, and he had
been unconscious for a little over an hour.  The first thing he saw
was a blond-haired girl staring at him.  At first, since his vision
was slightly blurred, he did not recognize her.  Soon, however, he
knew it was Serena.
        "Darien, he's awake."  Darien walked into the room.
        "About time.  I thought we were gonna have to break out the
ice bucket."
        "What...happened?" James asked in confusion.
        "You got clobbered by that woman."
        "I thought I remembered this feeling..."  Darien sighed.
"Anyway, what did she want?"
        "This," Darien said as he showed him the Love Star.  "And she
almost got it."  James closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.
        "So...we've already got a terrorist looking for it."
        "Not exactly," Darien said.  "She's already found it.  Now
she wants to possess it."  
        "Thank goodness Darien was able to stop her," Serena said.
        "Enough!" James almost shouted, seeming frustrated.  "Let's
just get this over with.  Darien, you keep the Love Star and the girl
safe.  I'll take care of the terrorist."
        "That's not a real good idea," Darien said.
        "Why not?" James asked sharply.
        "You have no idea what you're dealing with," Darien said as
he stared into James' eyes.
        "Oh, and you do?"
        "Yes.  I am very aware of what we are dealing with."
        "Fine.  Tell me."

                                *       *       *

        Katarina stood in a small room occupied only by her three
captives.  Each one of the three Sailor Scouts were dangling over a
trap door.  Below that was a pool of black acid.  It was a kind of
acid that slowly ate through clothing and flesh.  It took slightly
longer to eat its way through bone.
        "Now," Katarina said in her usual shrill voice.  "Who wants
to be first to die a slow, painful, death?"
        "Listening to her is enough torture," Mars mumbled.  Katarina
heard the comment.
        "Then let me tell you about our special torture program!
First, I make you listen to me ramble on, like this--"
        "Stop it!" Sailor Jupiter shouted.  Katarina moved closer to
Sailor Jupiter.
        "You want me to stop?" Katarina asked in a whisper.  She
moved even closer.  She then screamed into Sailor Jupiter's left ear,
causing temporary partial deafness.  Katarina smiled, and moved away,
still having a fixed gaze on Sailor Jupiter.
        "Don't worry, Sailor Scouts.  I know Sailor Moon will hand
over that Love Star, just so you won't die," Katarina said wickedly.
She then disappeared.

                                *       *       *

        Amy Anderson was surprised to see Serena standing on her
doorstep.  She was even more surprised when she saw her two
companions, Darien, who revealed to Amy that he was an angel, and
James Bond, who had been informed of everything on the way over to
Amy's house.  Amy let them in, and they discussed the situation.
Darien revealed that Serena's star locket was actually the Love Star,
and explained the potential disaster if it was destroyed.  He also
explained the fact that, if activated, it could bring peace to the
entire world.
        Amy began analyzing it with her mini computer.  It only took
about three minutes.  She found no way to activate it, but she did
find that it was very hard to destroy.  There was only one thing that
could destroy it, and Sailor Moon had it.  It was the Silver Empyrean
        "Great, " Serena said.  "Now I have TWO things that they
        "Well, we could always call the others," Amy said.
        "Uh-uh.  No can do," Darien said.
        "Why not?"
        "They are now prisoners."
        "So let's get them out!"
        "First," James said, "we have to find out where they are.
Then, we need to survey their hideout.  Only then do we make a move."
        "So where do you suggest we start looking?" Serena asked.
        "I can scan the area for a portal," Amy said.
        "I'll be back," Darien said.  He then slowly disappeared.

                                *       *       *

        Darien floated over the icy tundra.  It was dark there, and
no one else was within miles of him.  The winds howled through the
night.  If Darien had been alive, he would have been in extreme
agony.  Instead, he merely floated across the tundra, looking for
anything unusual.  Actually, anything would be suspicious, with the
exception of the ice.  He continued looking, hoping to find a way to
get to Katarina and her mysterious commander.
        Darien finally saw what he wanted to see.  A small
trans-dimensional gateway, otherwise known as a portal.  He moved
closer, just to make sure.
        "Yep, that's it," he said to himself.  "Better tell Serena."
Darien disappeared.

                                *       *       *

        Serena and Amy were slightly surprised to see Darien
materialize right before their eyes.  While they knew that he was an
angel, it was still new for them.  James was more than slightly
surprised.  He nearly passed out!
        "Serena, I've found a portal."
        "Where is it, muffin?"
        "Remember where you went to fight Queen Beryl?"
        "It's at the North Pole?!?"
        "Well, not exactly.  More like the USA."
        "Which state?" Amy suddenly asked, slightly annoyed that she
had not been included in the conversation before.
        "Yeah, which state?" Serena asked.  James only stared at
        "Alaska."  Serena, Amy, and James just stared at Darien.
"Did you hear me?"
        "Yeah, we heard you," James said.  "But are you sure?"
        "Yes.  Positive."
        "Well then.  Let's get our asses in gear," James said.  Amy
and Serena decided to go ahead and show James the whole truth.
        "Moon Cosmic Power!"
        "Mercury Star Power!"  The two girls transformed into their
        "By the way, Darien," Serena said.  "We're not calling
ourselves Scouts anymore.  We are now going to call ourselves Sailor
Soldiers."  Darien had a puzzled look, as did Amy.  "Sailor Scouts
just seemed too childish."
        "Fine," Darien said.  "Let's just get this over with."
        "I can use the company jet to fly us all there," James
        "How long before we can use it?"
        "Well, I can book us all a flight to MI6 headquarters, and we
can just go from there."
        "What about your superior?" 
        "M won't mind.  The fate of the world is at stake."  Serena,
Amy, and Darien agreed.

                                *       *       *

        "M, I need a favor."
        "What is it James?" M asked while looking at a portfolio.
        "I need to use the company jet.  It's very important."
        "James, your concerns should lie with Britain.  Saving the
entire world is not your concern.  Saving Britain is."
        "Well, Britain's in the world, so that should work out
nicely."  M looked up at James, to see three other people.
        "Who are these people?"
        "This is Darien," James said as he pointed to him.  "And this
is Serena, and here is Amy," he said as he motioned to each girl.
"They're my guides."
        "You need THREE people?!"
        "Yes.  Look, M.  I really need this."  There was a brief
        "All right.  You leave tomorrow morning at nine o'clock."
        "Thank you."  James turned around, and walked out of the
room.  He went to a nearby hotel to provide lodging for his two of
his three companions.  Darien did not need sleep, so he watched
Serena sleep all night long.  He smiled every time she whispered his
name in her sleep.  Darien then looked at the rose he had been
carrying around all this time.  There were only three petals left.
        "We better get this right the first time," Darien whispered
to himself.

                                To Be Continued.