OK, I know this may not be what you're used to, but I gotta write it anyway. In this fic, Malachite and Zoisite are both male, and not lovers. The Senshi are going by their American names, but as a group will be called the Senshi. There are no outers, and everybody knows everything about identities. That includes villains. Queen Beryl is not in this. Think of this a version where Malachite and Zoisite are the supreme rulers of the Dark Kingdom, and all main villains are in this, with the exception of Jedite. There is still hostility between Zoisite and Nephlite, as well. And, there is a relationship between Nephlite and Lita/Sailor Jupiter. Oh, and this may get a little suggestive, thus the reason for a PG-15 rating. Now, on with the copyright info: Sailor Moon and all related characters are not mine (sob). But, the character of Black Warlock does. So now, on with the story! Chapter 1 The young blonde ran as fast as her little legs could have possibly carried her. Her vision was foggy, her body was beaten, and her sailor uniform was torn. Tears were streaming from her eyes. She could hear the laughter behind her. And she could also hear the blood-curdling screams. One thought ran through her mind. Escape. The little girl that was Sailor Moon continued running toward that vortex which would lead to her world, where the power of the Dark Kingdom would not be nearly as strong as it was where she was now. She was stopped short of the vortex by slender man, who had a pony-tail. It was Zoisite, one of the men who had beaten the Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen to a bloody pulp. "Not so fast, Sailor Twit!" Zoisite glared at Sailor Moon with evil eyes. "Your fate cannot be escaped. You must die!" Zoisite laughed maniacally. Sailor Moon tried to turn and run. But, she was cut off by another figure, who appeared from nowhere. "Sailor Moon, leaving so soon?" This was Malachite, the other of the two men. His light-blue hair seemed to glow with the satisfaction of knowing he was about to rid himself of all his troubles. "I don't think so!" He blasted Sailor Moon into a wall. "Unnhh...." "Now, Sailor Moon," snarled the younger Zoisite, "prepare to see your friends again.... in hell!" Zoisite held Sailor Moon tightly by the throat, and soon her world became dark... and then nothingness...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Serena shot up in bed, gasping for air. She suddenly came to the realization that it had just been a dream. But it had felt so real.... She felt like it was more than a dream. Like it was more real than life itself... It was such a weird feeling. Serena looked over on the night-stand, where a picture of Darien stood. She smiled, knowing he was out there... Knowing that he would always protect her. For a moment, she even forgot about the nightmare. A smile slowly appeared across her face. She decided to lay back down, and try to get some sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zoisite looked very disgusted, as did Malachite. They both wanted Sailor Moon to be scared. Too scared to fight. Their plan, however, had been set back. She had escaped her nightmare by waking up. "This could be tougher than we had originally thought," Malachite muttered. "Definitely. Sailor Moon obviously has willpower, even though she has never displayed it in her eating habits." "I am beginning to think we should just finish her off as Serena Tsukingo." "And spoil the game? This is too much fun, and will be so much more glorious." Zoisite, who sat on the eastern, blue throne, rose up. "That Sailor Moon is going to go down, all right. And it is going to be as Sailor Moon." Zoisite disappeared in a whirl of pink flower petals. "Nephlite, come," said a calm Malachite. Within seconds, a man with blue eyes and wavy brown hair appeared before the monarch. "Yes, Malachite?" "Nephlite, what is your report on Black Warlock?" "He is growing stronger. So, Sailor Moon will not be able to escape her dreams." "That's good to hear. And I am trusting that you have control over him." "Sir, what happened with the chaos demon will not happen this time." "It had better not. I don't want another incident where I am being attacked by one of my own." "I assure you, that will not happen. I will die before that happens." "Or shortly after.... Go now." "Yes, your highness." Nephlite disappeared. Malachite stood from his black throne, which was lined on the outer edge of the back with scarlet. He narrowed his eyes. "Do not fail me, Nephlite. I still need you for my plan." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lita sat on her bed, wearing a negligée, waiting for her lover to arrive. She was nervous. She knew he was bad, but she still loved him. It was almost like reason had no control over her on this matter. Finally, after nearly twenty minutes of waiting, he arrived. His brown, wavy hair flowed down to his back. His gray uniform was straight, without even the slightest wrinkle. No one had seen him enter the apartment, but then, he had just appeared there, out of thin air. "Hello, Lita." "Hey, Nephlite. You're late," Lita commented with a mischievous grin. She then patted a spot next to her on the bed, indicating where she wanted Nephlite to sit. He obliged. "Lita, I don't know if we should be doing this. I mean, here we are, lovers, yet I am a sworn enemy of you, and you of me." Lita put her index and middle fingers on Nephlite's lips. "Shh. Don't think about it." Lita moved in, kissing him. her lips parted as his did. His hand moved to the back of her head, as they gently fell to the bed, suddenly not caring what was right or wrong..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rei Hino, the Shinto priestess, sat in front of the Great Fire. She was wearing her red and white robe, and her raven-colored hair flowed like a river down her back, ending at the small of her back. She was in meditation, but that was soon broken by someone knocking on the door of the temple. She grumbled. She hated having late visitors, but this was actually an early visitor, since it was 6:00 in the morning. Rei suddenly realized that she had not gone to bed! "Coming!" Rei hated not having her grandfather around anymore, since he had passed on in his sleep, nearly a year ago. Her school had given her a pardon, since her duties at the temple prevented her from school, not to mention the Sailor Senshi. Rei opened the door to see Lita. She had changed out of the negligée and into a white T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. Her hair was long and flowing, not in the usual single pony-tail. "Rei, I need to talk to you." "Lita, sure, come on in." The two girls walked to the room with the Great Fire; it was warmer in there. Lita immediately started talking. "Rei, for quite some time now, I have been seeing this guy... And I know he's bad, but I still want to see him. It's.... Well, it's Nephlite." Lita raised her eyebrows, fully expecting to hear a scream from Rei. But, no. "I know," was all she got. "What? H-How?" "Lita, you weren't the only one who lost a love to the dark forces. I lost Jedite, and now he's dead, which actually makes it a little easier. But anyway, I know." "Well, you'll want to know this. We discussed it, and all either of us wants is to be friends." "Friends? I know you both too well. And let me tell you something. You two will never be friends. You'll love each other till it kills you both. You'll love... and you'll hate... and you'll shag and you'll ram swords down each other's throats...... but you'll never be friends." Lita was silent. She only had a single tear in her eye, as the realization hit her..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lita walked entered her apartment again at nearly seven o'clock. School would start in an hour. She had to hurry, and get this out. "Nephlite, are you still here?" Nephlite only appeared from the kitchen, not saying a word. "Lita, I'm here. Look, I know things are getting complicated, but we can still--" "No, we can't. We can't go on like this. And we can't be friends. Not now. Not after.... everything that has happened. We love each other, and it's going to kill us eventually." "Lita, there must be a way we can see each other more." "There is." Lita's eyes were full of tears, but they were not allowed to flow forth. "Look me in the eye, and tell me you don't love me." Her lips were quivering as she said this. Nephlite only looked at her, then hung his head, clenching his fist. He closed his eyes. Lita silently withdrew from the apartment, after picking up her books for school. Nephlite disappeared, leaving only a tear from his left eye to fall graciously on the carpet. "Darling can't you see This is killing me We could never be Just friends." -John Michael Montgomery.