Hello! This is another installment of Nightmare, my newest (as of December 1998) fanfic. I know, last chapter was not focused on any nightmare, but I called it this because it will become the plot sooner or later. Well, at least part of the plot. I already said all the copyrights. Chapter 2 Lita entered the school building, still holding back the tears. She had changed into her uniform in a bathroom, since she didn't want to change where Nephlite was still standing when she had left. When she got there, she saw Serena. {That's different. She's usually lucky to be here by the bell.} "Hey Serena," she said, trying to hide the pain. Trying, but failing. "Hey Lita," Serena replied. "What's wrong?" Lita took her seat next to her companion. Her countenance was readable by Serena. "Guy trouble?" "Yeah. We broke up this morning." "Lita, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend after Nephlite went to the evil side." Now Lita was stuck. How could she tell her best friend that she was talking about Nephlite? She couldn't. So, she came up with the first excuse that popped in her mind. "Yeah, it was Freddy again." Great. Now she had hidden the truth by making herself look like some dome girl who keeps going back to the same no good guy over and over. Serena merely nodded, not saying anything. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nephlite stood in a dark room, with only one other being in the room. It was Black Warlock. They only stood there for a while, letting the time pass. The dark room was lit well enough only to distinguish who the two beings were, but nothing more. Walls were not illuminated, save the very top of them, where the torches burned. "How is the plan coming along?" Nephlite asked, barely moving his lips to utter the words. "Right on schedule," commented Black Warlock. "Soon Sailor Moon will be so scared of us she will be pathetic." Nephlite let in a large breath of air, then exhaled the entire quantity. It was a heavy sigh, to be sure. "Good. I want results. And as long as you produce them, I will be happy. But if I am not happy, then...." Nephlite said nothing more of that topic, but, rather, changed it to that of an order. "See that Sailor Moon receives the nightmare again tonight, but spice it up a bit." He then vanished, with no trace of any smoke. "I'll see how well you like it spiced up. Soon enough." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ School let out, and immediately Serena was running out, with all the vigor of a young colt. She met up with Amy outside, who naturally took her time leaving school. "Amy! Hey, I was gonna head over to the temple for a few minutes. Wanna come?" "No thank you. I have a lot of homework in Calculus and Physics. I think I'll just go home and study." "OK, suit yourself." Serena walked hurriedly to Rei's temple. As she approached the entrance door, her steps grew quicker. She reached the door soon enough, and knocked on it. After nearly two-and-a-half minutes, the Shinto priestess Rei Hino answered. "Serena, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in detention?" There was a hint of sarcasm in that remark, which was ignored by Serena. "Actually no. I need to talk to you." The sincerity in Serena's voice was amazing. So, being the natural friend of Serena, Rei invited her in, and asked to hear all about it. Serena told Rei about the nightmare she had dreamed. About how Malachite and Zoisite had killed everyone, and were about to kill her, but she woke up just then. Then, logically, Serena asked what it could mean. "I have no idea. Maybe you're just starting to think about it more than you used to. But I don't think it means anything." Serena felt calmer now. She smiled slightly. "Thanks Rei. I have to go now. See ya later!" Serena hasted to the door, picked up her bunny backpack, and started home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Black Warlock closed his ice-blue eyes, thinking about his own agenda. He knew the dangers of this, as he knew the dangers that would await in carrying out this plan. However, he liked for no one to be the boss of him. "In four and twenty hours, it will happen." His eyes opened, as something inside him told him to shut up. Suddenly, Nephlite appeared. "Black Warlock, I trust you have a good present for Sailor Moon when she rests tonight?" "Yes, commander. All is ready." "Good." Nephlite stood with his hands crossed in back of him. "She will be asleep soon enough. Do not fail me." Nephlite disappeared. "I'll make sure everything is taken care of." Black Warlock, who looked like a mere shadow with eyes and a mouth, smiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Malachite sat on his black and scarlet throne, staring at the empty space before him in the Dark Kingdom. He sat, unflinching, for nearly twenty minutes. Zoisite, who sat on the blue throne, which was to the left on the black and scarlet one, stared ahead as well. Only his gaze was not fixed upon the emptiness which occupied the space of the Dark Kingdom. No, his gaze was fixed on a lone figure, which walked toward the two thrones. "Halt! Who goes there?" Zoisite said with complete firmness in his voice. "It's me, Zoisite." The harsh voice which answered could only have belonged to one person. Nephlite. "So how is the plan proceeding?" Malachite broke his gaze to glance at Zoisite, merely moving his eyes to see him. "Right on schedule. Sailor Moon will be having another rough night." "Good," said Malachite. "Now go." Nephlite did as told. He vanished into thin air. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lita sat on her sofa, thinking about what had happened between her and Nephlite. She wanted so bad to be able to be friends with him. She knew they could not go on as an item. It was just too difficult. She started remembering what had happened the day Nephlite went bad. Flashback...... Lita and Nephlite were strolling along the beach, hand in hand. They were so happy together. It seemed as if nothing could come between them. Then, suddenly, it happened. Out of nowhere, two figures appeared. They were none other than Malachite and Zoisite. "Hello, Nephlite! We have been watching you for some time now, and we have decided that you are the perfect choice. Someone such as yourself is truly a great find. All the properties of an untapped sorcerer." Nephlite's first instinct was fear, then to protect Lita. But, he would need not to. Malachite and Zoisite were not after her. "Just come with us," said Zoisite. Then, they disappeared, along with Nephlite. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Lita's cry pierced the sky like a blade through a piece of paper. But no one would be there to help her... End Flashback... Lita felt a tear stream down her face. {Why, God, why? Why didn't they strip his love for me away?} There was a simple answer for that. So simple, Lita never thought of it. Nobody would have thought of this answer. The heart can not be controlled. Not by any power on this earth or in the cosmos. The heart must be wild and free. For that is the way of the heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Serena fell asleep a little past 10:30 p.m. As she did, her last thoughts were about Darien, and how he would always be there to protect her. And then she drifted off to sleep.... That's it for part 2. I hope you liked it. And remember, I am screwing around with the history a bit (or maybe a lot), but that's why it's called a fanfic. I can do what I want with it. And remember to send those comments to cowboys@wwd.net Thank you, and have a nice day. :)