Hi all! This fanfic is the follow-up to "Un-Break My Heart", and it takes place after that story. It also reflects back to some scenes alluded to "Un-Break My Heart", and what happened afterwards. As always, comments and criticisms are vastly appreciated. The more e-mail I get, the more excited I am about writing new fanfic. Now there's incentive for ya! Oh, and "All At Once" is one of many gems sung by Whitney Houston.

All At Once
by Rachel D Dawson

Katherine Hillard appeared in a flash of bright pink light outside her home in Angel Grove, California. Usually, she would be more cautious about teleporting to a highly visible location even at night, but she had more pressing concerns, in her opinion. Also, she knew she lived in a very quiet neighborhood, and her parents wouldn't be home for hours still. For the briefest moment, as she fumbled through her bookbag for her house keys, it occurred to her that Zordon would be displeased about her using the teleporter for non-Ranger transport. But the thought quickly dispersed from her consciousness, and she blinked back bitter tears. Finally, after an exhasperating search, she pulled out the keys. With quaking hands, she unlocked the front door, and pushed it open with all her might. She stepped inside the haven of her family's residence, and slammed the door behind her. At that moment, all the strength left in her body gave out, and she fell to her knees, only a few feet from the door. She buried her tear-stained face in her palms, and sobbed bitterly. She didn't realize until this very moment how risky romance truly is. Its like a game of roulette. You can be winning fabulously for a while, but one unlucky spin of the wheel can take it all away. Love's a gamble, pure and simple.

All at once
I finally took a moment and I'm realizing that
You're not coming back
And it finally hit me
All at once

The past two weeks had been utter hell for Kat. She clearly recalled the day when her high-flying hopes for the future came crashing down in one minute's worth of silence. It was Friday night, and as usual, she was spending the evening with Tommy Oliver, the young man who stole her heart with his warm smile and tender mannerisms months earlier. They had shared a romantic evening of dinner at an enchanting French outdoor restaurant in uptown Angel Grove. The evening was going splendidly, and during dessert, after over an hour of relaxed conversation, Kat was feeling adventurous. Her gentle blue eyes locked with Tommy's soulful hazel ones for a long moment, and a smile crept to Kat's face. Tommy mirrored the expression, but it was only that-- a reflection. There wasn't any deeper emotion to it. But Kat didn't notice it at the time.

"This night has been fantastic," Kat commented, still gazing into Tommy's eyes, "Going out tonight was a terrific idea, Tommy."

Tommy shrugged modestly. Typical Tommy.

"I really enjoy spending time with you," Kat continued, reaching across the table. She touched her fingers to Tommy's hand, which was casually placed on the table. "Its the best way to relax, and forget about our troubles for a few hours. I--"

Kat suddenly stopped herself. She realized that she had Tommy's undivided attention, and he gave her a perplexed glance. She took a deep breath, fortifying her courage to admit to him for the first time her true feelings.

"I love you."

There, she said it. It felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted off her heart. Although she and Tommy had been casually dating for some time, she never declared her feelings. They had never reached that point in their relationship. Katherine hoped, and planned, to bring the relationship to the next level. But rather than cement their relationship, Tommy's reply weakened it.

His reply was no reply at all.

All at once, I started counting teardrops
And at least a million fell
My eyes began to swell
And all my dreams were shattered all at once

Time passed ridiculously slowly in the seconds after Kat's revelation. It was easily the longest, most painful minute in Katherine's young life. As each torturous second passed, Kat's anxiety tripled. She held her gaze on Tommy the whole time, watching him carefully. When she had declared her love, the two were eye-locked. Tommy's first reaction was surprise, as evident by his eyes widening significantly. When he realized Katherine was expecting an answer, his gaze quickly fell to his unfinished chocolate mousse cake before him. First his eyes fell, and then, his head bowed slightly. A sigh, barely noticeable, passed between his lips. But Kat noticed it. In silence, she withdrew her hand, which still lay on Tommy's, and brought it to her lap. She clasped her hands together tightly, releasing the building tension. After nearly a minute of awkward silence, tears began to blur Kat's vision. His lack of a response was all that was needed. She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself not to cry. Her breathing grew labored, and she reached for her purse, her eyes still clamped shut. She didn't want to open them-- she didn't want to see Tommy's face. She felt embarrassed, exposed, and worst of all-- betrayed. She offered him her most valuable possession-- her heart-- and rather than accept the gift gratefully, he brutally rejected it. In sixty taxing seconds, Kat's life turned completely around.

After taking a cleansing breath to calm herself, Kat opened her eyes. She saw Tommy gazing at her with a truly apologetic expression. He realized what he had done to her, without doing anything at all. What he couldn't express through words, he managed to relate with that single glance. It was all she needed.

"I understand," Kat said quietly, forcing her voice not to crack. She hastily rose to her feet, and left the restaurant, clutching her purse with all her strength. She wove her way through the restaurant as quickly as she could walk, without breaking into a run or arousing suspicion. She could feel Tommy's eyes on her back, but she also knew he wasn't moving. If anything, Tommy was an empathic person. He understood Kat's feelings, and knew the best thing for him to do right now is give her some space. Kat was silently grateful Tommy didn't follow her outside. She didn't want to let him see her cry-- to show him just how much he had hurt her. As she hailed a taxi cab outside, her strength and self control began to ebb, and tears began to spill over her eyes, streaking down her pale cheeks.

Ever since I met you
You're the only love I've known
And I can't forget you
Though I must face it all alone

Kat spent the weekend steering clear from Tommy. She needed to rethink her situation, and decide what she was going to do regarding him. Fortunately for her, Angel Grove remained monster-free over the weekend, so she wasn't forced into seeing Tommy prematurely. She avoided the Youth Center, and spent a great deal of time with her best friend Tanya Sloan, as well as with her mother. Both women gave Kat advice about what Tommy's silence could mean, and how she could approach their relationship. After a few days of thinking about it, she decided that Tommy was still confused, and that he probably felt vulnerable. This made perfect sense, considering Tommy was only in one lasting relationship before, and that one ended very badly. Tommy was heartbroken for a month when he received the letter from Kimberly, informing him that she'd fallen in love with someone else. Kimberly Anne Hart was the one person Tommy opened up to completely, and she left him so coldly and suddenly that it surely left a scar. A deeper scar than Kat had originally approximated.

"Tommy just needs time to deal with the thought of letting his guard down again," Kat reasoned to herself and her family, "Once he feels comfortable with expressing his emotions, then we can move towards forging a lasting relationship. He's still so fragile, and he doesn't want to risk getting hurt again. I won't push him. I'll give him his space, and I'll give him time to think about it. As much time as he needs."

Katherine's reasoning was logical and feasible. It would have made any psychologist proud. However, no matter how realistic it sounded, it was incorrect. And Kat found that out in the weeks that followed.

All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Wishing you'd come back to me
And that's all that matters now
All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Holding on to memories
And it hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows
All at once...

During the next two weeks, Kat and Tommy reverted to just being friends, just as they were before they had begun to date. Kat never openly told Tommy about her decision, and Tommy never actually confronted Kat about that night, but that didn't seem to matter. Both were given space, and time to think about their relationship. And finally, nearly two solid weeks after that horrible night, Kat was confident that Tommy was dealing with his feelings appropriately. At the Youth Center after school, Tommy was busily weight-lifting, and spending time with his best friend Jason Lee. Kat was glad to see Tommy enjoying himself. And she realized that if he could bond with Jason, then he may be one step closer to opening up to her. However, before Kat could approach Tommy, he unexpectedly ran from the Youth Center. For a moment, Kat thought about following him, or asking Jason what had happened, but she was in the middle of teaching a ballet class. Through the corner of her eye, Kat saw Billy and Rocky talk to Jason about what happened. Although she couldn't hear what was being said, she could tell by Jason's expression that it was important. Once ballet was over, Katherine decided to join the conversation. At this point, Jason had already left, so all that Kat could learn was that Tommy received a letter from Kimberly.

Kat had mixed emotions about this. This was because the letter could mean two very different things. Firstly, it could be an apology, asking Tommy if they could establish a platonic relationship. If this was the case, then Tommy would be more willing to seek a relationship with Kat, because there would finally be closure to his previous one. However, the second possibility was less promising. Kimberly may have wanted to resume their romance. And judging from Tommy's behavior the other evening, it was obvious what happened between him and Kim still plagued him. What he'd do in that situation was a mystery to Kat.

That mystery was answered not long after, when Kimberly and Tommy entered the Youth Center hand in hand.

All at once
I looked around and found
That you were with another love
In someone else's arms
And all my dreams were shattered all at once

Kat felt a lump rise in her throat. It wasn't the fact that Kimberly and Tommy were holding hands that made her feel ill. Rather, it was the euphoric smiles on both their faces. Tommy was positively beaming with joy, and so was Kim. And those smiles were genuine-- they reached the eyes. The couple simply exuded happiness, as if they had never separated. As if Katherine had never existed.

Jason was standing behind them. Apparently, he had caught up with the couple before they arrived at the Youth Center. He grasped both Tommy and Kim's shoulders, and said "Its about time!" The couple laughed, and nodded in agreement.

Then, Billy, Rocky, and Adam, who were all sitting with Kat and Tanya, rose to their feet to greet their friend, and congratulate the happy couple. Everyone was smiling joyfully, as if finally all was right with the world. In a tangle of welcoming hugs, Kimberly was brought into the fold as if she never left. As if she had never broken Tommy's heart so callously. And what made Kat feel even more sick is that Tommy didn't seem to mind. So long as he was back with the woman he loved, he was happy.

It was obvious that he loved Kimberly. Although it was a torturous labor for him to say those three simple words to Katherine, he could say them earnestly to Kimberly without hesitation. Kat derived all this merely by the expressions of joy on their faces, the energy in their eyes, and by how tightly they held onto each other's hand. Even through all the welcomes and hugs, their grip never laxed. They weren't separating anytime soon.

Kat was startled by a hand gently squeezing her shoulder. She turned around, and her stinging eyes locked with the gaze of her best friend. Tanya Sloan, unlike the other Power Rangers, had never known Kimberly Hart. Therefore, the excitement of the original Pink Ranger's return didn't affect her like it did the others. Foremost on the Yellow Zeo Ranger's mind was her best friend. Tanya was the only one who really knew how deep Kat's love for Tommy went. Tanya's expression was sympathetic and supportive. She realized that, amongst this happy crowd of excited friends, Kat felt awkward, out of place, and worst of all-- abandoned. Left behind. Kimberly came back, and suddenly, Kat didn't exist anymore. It was as simple as that.

All at once
The smile that used to greet me
Brightens someone else's day
She took your smile away
And left me with just memories all at once

Kat met Tanya's sympathetic glance with her classic smile. It was a false smile, because she felt like dying inside. But Katherine Hillard was a special person. She never put her feelings above someone else's. And no matter how wretched she felt, she didn't want to ruin Kimberly's homecoming. Her smile didn't reach her crystal eyes, but it appeared genuine nonetheless. And she doubted anyone was paying enough attention to realize that it wasn't tears of joy that wet her expressive eyes.

"Welcome home, Kim!" Kat exclaimed in a joyful voice, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl's neck. After enthusiastically welcoming back her friend, she turned to Tommy, and squeezed his free hand. "Let's hope you two get it right this time," she quipped good-naturedly.

Kimberly blushed slightly, and giggled. "Trust me, I've learned my lesson! No mistakes this time around!"

Tommy smiled. "I guess I just won't let you out of my sight again, Kim."

Kimberly shook her head, and started to lead Tommy to the table, so she could be introduced to the stranger in yellow sitting by herself. Tommy, as usual, allowed Kimberly to guide his steps, but not before he threw a single glance at Kat. Katherine locked eyes with him for the briefest of moments, and once again, everything was transmitted.

He was sorry. He was sorry for not being honest with her, for letting her believe they actually had a future together. He was sorry he didn't realize sooner that his love for Kimberly wouldn't fade.

His glance was apologetic, but it was also inquisitive. He wanted to know how Kat felt about this. He knew Kat loved him-- since she said so only two weeks prior-- but he didn't know how deeply in love the young Australian woman was. Her answer was misleading once again. She flashed him a warm, although false, smile. The smile seemed to assure the Red Ranger that everything was fine. Kat seemed to be genuinely happy that Tommy had finally found the love he was lacking. The love Kat herself just couldn't seem to provide. No matter how much she had wanted to.

The group settled down for a round of smoothies, compliments of Ernie, in celebration of Kimberly's homecoming, and her restored relationship with Tommy. Katherine excused herself, on the basis that her mother had asked her to start cooking dinner for the family. After another happy wave of goodbyes and good-wishes, Katherine leisurely left the Youth Center. She strolled down the sidewalk, holding her head high in case someone was watching from behind. After only about a block, however, Katherine suddenly felt deprived of strength. As if she depleted all her willpower by holding back her emotions long enough to get safely out of the Youth Center. Her entire body began to tremble, and the tears began to flow unabedded. Finally, she gave up, and discreetly slipped between two buildings. After making sure there were no witnesses, she vanished in a streak of rose light, only to reappear at the doorstep of her home milliseconds later.

Ever since I met you
You're the only love I've known
And I can't forget you
So I must face it all alone

She continued to cry for half an hour. She remained in that position-- on her knees just by the front door-- for that entire time span, before finally mustering the strength to drag herself up to her bedroom. Once there, she collapsed into a boneless heap upon her bed, and stared at the ceiling. Her tears were all shed, and she barely had the strength to breathe comfortably. All the crying caused her head to pound, and her face to itch. She once again pulled herself from the bed, intending on washing her face in the bathroom, and taking some pain relievers.

On her way out the door, she glanced at her dresser. Sitting atop the dark wood, in a golden frame propped beside her jewelry box, was a photograph. It was taken only days before the infamous dinner two weeks ago, and it displayed Kat and Tommy, side by side, in front of Rocky's house. Kat and Tommy had offered to help Rocky wash his family's minivan, and in this photograph, taken by one of Rocky's younger siblings, the couple was laughing, and shielding their faces from a spray of cold water. Rocky had decided to turn the hose on his friends, much to his own merriment. Later, Rocky gave both Kat and Tommy copies of the photo. It was the only photo of the couple together, without the other rangers present. Even though it wasn't obvious from the image that they were a couple, to Kat it seemed to display their relationship quite well-- casual.

Kat's nostalgic smile fell into a frown when she once again realized her situation. No matter how much she wished it otherwise, she and Tommy would never be that happy couple again. Maybe they never really were. Maybe Kat was just deluding herself, believing Tommy had feelings for her when in fact he didn't.

In frustration, Kat picked up the photograph, and slipped it into her dresser drawer. By accident, a torn photograph fell out of that drawer, and fluttered to the lush pink carpet like a leaf in the breeze. Kat shook her head as she gazed at the photograph. It was a half a picture, depicting Tommy walking in the park, a joyful smile on his face. Kat felt compelled to search through her dresser, until she found the crumpled other half. That half displayed Kimberly, just as happy and energetic as Tommy. As fresh tears formed in her red eyes, Kat held the two halves together. She gazed at the pair-- and more specifically the joy that was evident in their faces-- for a few moments. Then, finally, she lay the two halves on her dresser, and continued to the bathroom.

All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Wishing you'd come back to me
And that's all that matters now
All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Holding on to memories
And it hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows
All at once...

The End

