Note: * This comes after "Imminent Departure" and is the first of a three-part or four-part (I haven't decided yet) mini-series. Also, I am not a tofu-freak. I just thought that it would kind of be a funny conversation to have. You'll understand when you read the story. :)

To Deceive
Chapter Sixty-Seven: "Ideal Life"
By: WhiteZeo

"What ravages of spirit conjured this temptious rage
Created you a monster broken by the rules of love?
And fate has led you through it
You do what you have to do"

--"Do What You Have To Do""Surfacing"
Sarah McLachlan

* * *

"What is your beautiful mind pondering on now, my lovely Scorpio?" the Phantom Ranger whispered into the woman's ear.

Chills sped down Scorpio's spine as his warm skin pressed against her naked back. "Just thinking of how to rid myself of those nasty little parasites that call themselves the Power Rangers," she turned her to gaze deeply into his eyes, "Do you have any suggestions, my love?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," the Phantom ran a line of sweet kisses down the red head's neck before answering again. "Let us do it the old fashion way. Turn half of the Power Pest team into evil rangers. Usually that does the trick, does it not?"

Scorpio mused on the thought for a moment. "It does make sense," she paused, "But the last time that trick worked was twelve thousand years ago; when Rita got rid of Zordon's little brat, Calypso. Besides, Zordon knows too much to let us get away with 'evilizing' his snotty rangers, though; he swore he would not let what happened to Calypso repeat itself again."

"So he did," he stood up from his spot of the bed, "But why not try it anyway. It will not due any harm will it?"

"Of course not," she replied, a plan forming in her mind, "Perhaps I will use the method Zesta used."

The Phantom Ranger eyed her curiously as she pulled her red robe around her perfect body. "What method would that happen to be?"

A hideously evil smile spread across her pale-skinned face. "The old against the new..."

* * *
"How are you guys coming on Jason's surprise party?" Rocky DeSantos asked as he walked off the Angel Grove University campus with Katherine Hillard {Kat}, Tommy Oliver, and Kimberly Ann Hart.

"Pretty good, if I do say so myself," Kimberly spoke up, grinning from ear to ear. "This is going to be Jason's best birthday party yet!"

"Ernie let us use the Youth Center next Saturday," Katherine continued, "and Zordon's letting use to our communicators to get everyone back for the weekend."

"Sounds good," Tommy shifted the weight of his backpack onto his left shoulder. "Shannon's been freaking out about what kind of birthday cake to make. Jason prefers chocolate cake above everything else, but she's major allergic to the stuff and I happen to know that Trini hates chocolate."

"Put me on the list for allergic reactions," the Sound Ranger piped up. "I don't know why, but I completely break out if I even eat a touch of the good stuff."

A mysterious smile appeared on Rocky's features. "Why doesn't she just make a vanilla cake AND chocolate cake?"

The Pink Zeo Ranger cocked her head at her boyfriend as she approached his blue Ford Explorer. "So you could pig out on both of the cakes, Rocko?" he frowned as she smiled, "I don't know. That'd be kinda scary."

"It would," the Red Ranger agreed, placing his car key into the drivers' side door of his red Jeep. "Besides, I already warned Shannon about that. But she's still gonna make two cakes even though I told her not to."

"I knew Shannon was a smart cookie," the Blue Ranger retorted, opening his car door.

Throwing her backpack into the back seat of the jeep, Kimberly climbed into Tommy's car and laughed. "Sure she is, Rocky. Just make sure you don't eat her, okay?"

Shutting the door and rolling down the car window, Rocky's blond girlfriend echoed, "Very true, Kim. Very true."

"So we're gonna meet up at the Youth Center in an hour, right?" Tommy called through the window to Rocky, who was mock pouting at the swarm of insults directed at him.

"Right," he replied, as the car window rolled up and both automobiles pulled out of the parking lot.

* * *

Climbing up the steps that lead to Angel Grove's Public Library, Kimberly pushed open the glass-paned door and stepped into the silent building.

Slinging her backpack over her right shoulder, the petite girl wandered through rows of books and tables of teenagers hunched over thick textbooks, practically 'enthralled' by its contents.

Winding her way to the back section of the library, Kimberly saw through all the studying zombies a red sweatshirt that caught her eye.

*Jason* her thoughts immediately registered the red clothing.

Approaching the table where he was also 'enthralled' by the contents of a very large textbook, the Purple Ranger couldn't help but mentally chuckle. This was a definite first for her boyfriend; at least from her point of view.

Sitting at a table, all alone for the exception of his red backpack propped up on the surface of his 'desk', Jason Lee Scott sat with his body curved over a blue book, which was at least four hundred pages from where she was standing. His elbows leaning against the table, the Flame Ranger's head was held in his hands while his eyes remained totally glued to the crusty pages of the old book.

Coming up behind him, she whispered dreamily into his ear, "Well, this is a big first."

Startling the Element Ranger, Kimberly's face almost met with the cruddy cover of the book Jason was reading; he almost threw the book at her.

Her heart jumping into her throat for an instant, she recollected herself quickly and pulled up a chair next to him. "You scared me there for a moment, Jase."

A smirk formed on his tired features. "Go figure."

"How long you been at it?" she questioned, pushing the large book aside not even bothering to see what he was reading.

"Four hours," he replied her, rubbing his weary eyes. "Give or take a half hour."

"No wonder you look so tired," Kimberly told, stating the obvious.

"Really," Jason snorted sarcastically, "I just thought it was that egg I ate for breakfast this morning."

"Shut up," she yapped quietly, then changed the subject. "Are you ready to go or do you still have some crusty books to read?"

Picking up the book and placing it inside his backpack, Jason nodded. "Neither. I have to go meet up with Shannon. She wanted to talk to me about something."


The Element Ranger saw the sad look on her face, but actually chose to ignore it. "If you want I can give you a ride to the Youth Center before I go," he suggested, standing up from his chair.

"Sure," Kimberly stood up and followed him silently as he walked towards the front door.

* * *

Sprawled out on the long sofa that sat in the middle of the living room, Shannon Oliver was awoken by a loud, but not too loud, rapping noise coming from the front door of the house. "Ooh, just go away," she moaned, taking a pillow near her and placing it over her head in hopes to drown out the noise that had brought her out of her mid-afternoon nap.

Unfortunately, her hopes were not answered and the knocking persisted. Finally after the fifth knock, the brunette stood up lazily from the sofa and called out, rather unenthusiastically, "Coming."

Walking barefoot over to the door, Shannon unlocked the door and opened it. "Hello," Tommy greeted her with the enthusiasm she didn't have energy for.

"Hello," she remarked sleepily, turning her back to him and returning to the sofa.

He looked at her strangely while closing the door behind himself and yapped playfully, "I love you too, Sweetcheeks."

Plopping down onto the cushions of her 'bed', the White Ranger mustered up enough strength for a small smile. "I'm sorry, Tommy," she apologized solemnly, lying back down, "It's just that I've been awake since four this morning and I really feel terrible; my whole body's been aching for hours and hours and my head feels like it's been pounding for days."

Tommy came up next to Shannon and placed his hand gently against her forehead for a moment before removing it. "I think I have found the culprit," he a smile tugged on his lips momentarily, after worry replaced it.

"What?" she jolted her body into a sitting position, but laid back down immediately as a jolt of pain went shooting up her back.

"Don't worry about it, Shannon," he insisted, "You've been working way to hard."

"What are you talking about, Tommy Oliver?" she sat up once again, but much slower pace.

He smirked. Somehow he had the feeling she wouldn't understand what he was trying to say. "Shannon, I am talking about ever since the twins were born, you've been working your butt overtime; I'm just thanking the gods, it FINALLY caught up to you!"

"And what's that supposed to mean, huh?" she grumbled, not at all liking what Tommy's was telling her to do.

Slowly and surely, he took her hand into his and squeezed it gently. "You need to take a breather for awhile, Sweetcheeks. Working around the clock, twenty-four seven, isn't going to help you."

Shannon gazed into his chocolate brown eyes and grinned knowingly. "I guess you're right, Oliver," the Zeo Guardian paused, "For once in your life, you're actually right."

Pushing her back down onto the sofa, the Red Zeo Ranger snapped, "Oh, really!"

* * *

About an hour later, Shannon opened the front door of the house to reveal Jason standing on the porch. "Oh, good," she paused, letting him inside, "You got my message?"

As she closed the door, Jason turned to place a loving hand to her cheek. "More or less," he answered with a chuckle.

Taking his hand, she leaded him into the living room. "I am sorry I sounded so urgent over the phone; I really was not having a life-and-death situation," the Zeo Ranger apologized vigorously.

He pressed a finger to her quivering lips. "Never mind that. Tell me what is wrong."

"I have been having headaches and tremendous pain ever since......" she trailed off.

The other ranger shook his head in agreement. "So have I. It must be some sort of side effect."

"Do you really think?"

"It is the only logical solution."

"Should we talk to her about it?"

"We should. She might be able to help us rid ourselves of the pain."

"You are right."

Moving their hands to the communicators resting on their wrists, Jason and Shannon disappeared within red and white lights.

* * *

Chapter Sixty-Eight: "Happy Birthday?"

"What is this lovely gift?" Scorpio's voice sung interested in the 'gift' her evil warriors were going to give her.

"You will see in due time, my mistress," a cold familiar voice answered, "In the meantime, please keep your eyes shut."

"Very well," she responded, while a small smile crept onto her face.

It had been almost a week since Scorpio had forced her plan that she had spoken of briefly with the Phantom Ranger into effect and it was working brilliantly. *Though, there was the side effect of the spell on my finest. But we fixed that quickly before it became a large problem* she reminded herself as she allowed herself to be lead into the unknown by her team of six.

Listening intently, she heard the cursing of one of her female warriors while she heard a fist bang against something hollow. "Is something wrong?" the villainess questioned her curiosity piqued.

"No," the same cold voice remarked his voice terribly harsh, "nothing is wrong at all."

As he spoke the words, Scorpio felt the heat that could only come from a fire. "Open your eyes, Mistress," another cold, but lighter, voice requested.

Prying her eyelids open, the raven-haired woman looked around herself in awe. "By the gods......."

"Amazing, is it not?" the same female who had been cursing smiled.

"Truly magnificent," she began to wander towards the middle of the large chamber, "I have never seen this place before. Zesta never did show me her favorite trinkets.

"But this was more a favorite trinket to Zesta, my mistress," another one of her female warriors spoke up, "This was her treasure; her prized trophy."

Looking to the brick wall where a cat's eye was drawn into the brick, her lips parted slightly as she inhaled the sweet scent of carrion. "True," she agreed, "But now Zesta's prized dungeon will be mine; and the rangers will pay dearly for my beloved daughter's death............"

All was deathly silent for an instant before Scorpio spoke again. "Now," she turned to her six warriors, "do you not have a celebration to attend?"

"Yes, Mistress," one of the male warriors responded.

"Then attend it!"

The same warrior with the husky voice stepped up. "Mistress, does our plan still stand?"

She nodded her head. "Down to the most delicate detail."

"Very well," the six rang in unison as they bowed. "We will not fail you."

The six teleported from the underground dungeon.

* * *

"It's still crooked, guys," Katherine called up as Rocky and Adam Park held up a long banner against the wall. "Bring your side down a little bit, Adam."

"How's this?" he questioned after moving his side down by two inches.

A smile spread across the pregnant Power Ranger's face. "Perfect," she replied, as the two guys climbed down the ladders they had been standing on.

"Great looking banner, Kat," Tanya Sloan critiqued as she walked into the room, arms loaded up with a twenty-four pack of Coca-Cola, " but what happened at the end of it?"

Looking up at the long banner, Tommy read out loud, "'Happy Birthday, Jas'?"

All eyes darted in the girl's direction and she just simply shrugged. "I ran out of room. So sue me," she answered her best friend's question. "It's not like we don't know who it's for anyway."

Suddenly, as they all returned to their work, Kimberly ran into the Youth Center and squealed as quietly as she could, "They're here! Shannon and Jason are outside and HERE!"

"But we're not ready!" Tanya cried, placing the package of sodas down on the nearest table.

"Oh, well!" Rocky remarked, diving behind a stack of sparring mats.

"Trini, Billy, Zack, and Aisha aren't here yet!" Adam announced as he shut off the lights.

Before anyone could speak up, four lights revealed Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, Zack Taylor, and Aisha Campbell. "Sorry if we're late," Trini apologized as the group of four joined the rest of the rangers in the search for a hiding spot.

A few minutes later, everyone had found a good hiding place and they all could hear Shannon and Jason's voices emanating from the hallway. "Thanks for helping me get down here, Jason," the Zeo Guardian's voice thanked. "I really needed to get out of the house to workout; even though Tommy's insists that I don't."

A few stifled giggles came from the hiding rangers.

"Oh, it's no problem. I love playing with Caroline and the twins," Jason's voice was loud and clear, as the gang could see their darkened silhouettes in the doorway. "But it doesn't look like anyone's here. Lemme turn on the light."

As the Flame Ranger's hand flipped on the switch and illuminated the room, the ten teenagers jumped from their hidden locations and screamed, "SURPRISE!"

* * *

As an emerald green sports car sped by the Youth Center the driver of the automobile took a second to look at the building that flashed by. "Looks nice enough," she commented, tossing her long, jet black hair over her shoulder with her left hand.

Drawing her dark sunglasses over her almond-shaped eyes, the stranger continued to drive down the street until she came upon a small and quaint motel. Quickly pulling into the parking lot, she stepped out of her car and let warm sun pour down on her. Grabbing her leather black jacket, she hung it over her green-clad arm and headed towards the lobby.

Pushing open a glass door, she stepped into the lobby and approached the counter. "Hello?" she called out in an unsure tone.

"Yes?" a man came out from an adjoining room.

"I need a room," she told the man.

"So I see," the raven-haired man grinned. "How long will you be staying, Miss......."

As he trailed off, she picked up. "Chan. But please call me Cassie."

"Alright, Cassie," he agreed, "How long will you be staying?"

"Hopefully a week."

The man looked up from the computer monitor where he was typing. "You sound like you're waiting for someone to meet you here in Angel Grove."

Cassie nodded her head. "No. It's actually kind of a long story why I'm here. But in short, I HAD to come here."

"Hmmm," the man mused, turning to get a room key for the girl, "Interesting."

"Pretty much," she allowed, tugging a stray thread off of her green blouse.

"Well," he turned to her and handed her a room key, "here's your room. It's 4A. Right next to the pool."

Cassie excepted the key graciously. "Thank you very much, Mister........"

"Demise," he smiled at her, "But please call me Darien, Cassie."

Returning the smile, she turned to the door. "Thanks, Darien."

* * *

Scorpio sat upon her dead daughter's throne, happily watching the festivities her warriors had attended through their eyes. *They are so vulnerable* she mentally noted as she listened to their laughs of joy *Their love for each other is what bonds them; what makes them strong. Yet that same bond can leave them so weak and defenseless. I do not understand this strange power*

"I believe it is called true love, dear sister Scorpio," a hideous voice brought her out of the reverie she was in.

Without even opening her shut red eyes, a smile played upon her lips. "Dear brother Vile," she opened her eyes and was face to faces with the monster. "What brings you here? Besides deciding to invade my mind without my permission."

"Do you recall the time we spied on Artemis when she spoke of Calypso being in emergence?"

Scorpio scooted to the edge of the throne and listened intently. "Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"I ask because she has been spotted in Angel Grove."


"She is staying at a small motel near the center of Angel Grove," Master Vile clarified for his younger sister. "I am guessing this puts a small cramp into your problems, dear sister Scorpio."

Jumping down from her perch, the woman began to pace the room furiously. "It does!" her mind churning out ideas a mile a minute, she finally found one suitable after five minutes of pacing.

Turning around to face her brother, Scorpio told him, "Have Scorpina and my best scorpitrons bring me Divatox from the Subcraft's bilge. I am going to unfortunately need her to bring my plan full circle once again."

He nodded his heads. "How unfortunate."

* * *

"Mmmmmm," Jason savored another bite of the chocolate cake that had been made for him, "This cake is so heavenly, Shannon. Thank you so much for making this."

Shannon shrugged as ate a small piece of the vanilla cake she had also made. "It's no big deal. Besides, we only get so many chances to actually each junk food," she shook her head in Rocky's direction, where he was gobbling up his second piece of the chocolate cake. "That is for everyone but Rocky."

Swallowing the cake in his mouth, he eyed the White Ranger and blew a raspberry at her. "For your information Shannon, I do not eat all the time," he yapped, frowning.

"Oh, okay," the brunette gave into his puppy dog look. "No more picking on Rocky today."

Adam grinned wickedly. "But tomorrow's still open."

With that remark, the twelve teenagers started laughing. "Hey, did anyone bring the tofu?" Tommy questioned as the laughing died down.

"I did," Trini spoke up, as she stood up from her chair. "I put in the refrigerator in the back, though. I'll go get it."

As the Wind Ranger headed out of the room, Tanya asked, "Who called for tofu?"

"I did," Kimberly answered, raising her hand. "I didn't feel like pigging out on potato chips today."

Before the Blue Zeo Ranger could protest, Katherine shut him up. "But we still brought potato chips for you, Rocko; knowing how much you hate tofu."

"Thank you," he acknowledged. "I still can't understand how you guys can eat tofu though."

Aisha grinned. "It's healthy. That's why we eat it."

"And it tastes really good," Billy added.

"It tastes like glue to me," Rocky insisted, taking another bite of his chocolate cake.

Zack looked at him. "I hate to say it, but I agree with Rocky."

"So you've both tasted glue and you both know that tofu tastes like glue?" the Green Zeo Ranger inquired curiously.

"Sure," Rocky snapped sarcastically, "I drank a whole bottle of glue when I was in pre-school."

"Really?" Shannon glanced at him with feigned intrigue, while trying to not crack up.

"Oh, shut up."

* * *

Zordon of Eltare stood in front of the six Cindarien men and women he had chosen to except the responsibility of the Morphing Masters' powers.

The first one was Artemis. She had been his first choice and had been the first of the six to feel the wrath of the Evils of Eltare.

Beside her stood her lover, Syryn. He had been the fourth to experience the terror of the three evil women from Eltare.

Next was Apollo. The brave and young soul had been orphaned from an early age due to his family's death by Zesta's hand.

Near by, Selene stood tall and straight. She had been raised to do as much, the fact being she had been raised as the heir to her father's throne as ruler of Cythera; but that was before Auora's armies attacked and killed all of her family.

Serious and strong, Helious stood. He was a bruised warrior; Divatox had forced him to watch his family's execution at a very young age.

Then there was Calypso. Calypso. Zordon had not wanted his only daughter to join in on the fight to destroy the three Eltarien women. But as always, she had insisted on being a part of his just cause and he let her. She had always been so stubborn and strong-willed after her mother's death; she had to or she would have no life at all. That was the sad part. It took his wife's death to jump-start his daughter's own life.

Jumping out of his own thoughts, Zordon began speak to his pupils of the last four years. "You have trained well, all of you," he congratulated. "But now comes the hardest part. Actually fighting face to face and eye to eye with Zesta, Divatox, and Auora's forces. No more second chances. You will only have one chance," he paused. "Use that chance wisely."

As he began to give out powers, his mind kept wandering to the thought that he was doing something wrong by letting Calypso become a Morphing Master. She could die. She could be possessed by evil. But it was her choice and he wasn't about to deny her what she was demanding after so long.

So when it came time to give his daughter her powers, Zordon brushed all those unwanted thoughts away and spoke. "Hold out your hand, Calypso, and except your destiny."

The beautiful girl held out her hand and within it, Zordon placed a gold coin with the claw of a dragon emblazoned on it. "You now are the Grid Morphing Master, Calypso. From now forth you will be known as the Green Dragon Grid Master."

Bowing her head, she accepted the Power and coiled her fingers tightly around the Power Coin. "I will do you proud, Father," she whispered to him.

He placed a tender and caring hand to her cheek. "I know you will, Calypso. In my heart, I know you will do right............"

His own voice echoing in his mind, Zordon was jerked out of his hyper-sleep by the rather disturbing dream and memory from his past.

Before he had been forced to be encased in this mental prison. Before Artemis had stepped down as leader of the Morphing Masters. Before the Original Turbo Rangers' deaths. Before Calypso's, his flesh and blood, fall from grace.

*I will not think back on the past* he urged himself. *Calypso would not want that*

But even as he commanded his mind to stop lingering about in past memories, the mentor of the Power Rangers found he could not stop. His memories of his beloved daughter wandered through his mind as if they had just been made yesterday, though she had been dead for over ten millennia's.

That's when the sudden thought of clarity struck him. *Is Calypso really dead? *

* * *

Chapter Sixty-Nine: "Falls From Grace"

Cassie dropped her light backpack onto the bed in her motel room and shut the door behind her.

Making sure the door was locked from the outside, she proceeded to unpack her few belongings from the green backpack. *My diary. Clean clothing. My workout clothes. My toothbrush. My mirror. My hairbrush* she listed off mentally, until she reached the bottom of the backpack and pulled out a small black box. "And my necklace," she spoke out loud, slowly opening the box.

Picking up the object out of the case, she awed at it for a moment. Dangling on the single silver chain that she held, was a gold coin with the impression of some sort of claw on the face of it. Taking the coin into her hand, Cassie ran her fingers over the surface and smiled quaintly before placing it around her neck.

As she packed her belongings away into the dresser in her room, a sudden knock came to her door. "Yes?" she called, moving over to the open the door.

"It's me, Cassie," Darien's voice came through the door. "I thought you'd want something to eat."

"Thanks," she acknowledged, just as her stomach grumbled loudly to her dismay. "Lemme open the door."

Before she could open the door though, it was kicked down. "What the........" She trailed off as she stared at the seven beings standing in the doorway.

The first one looked human enough, except for the fact that his skin was much more pale than a normal human's and he had black voids of nothingness for eyes.

The second 'being' was much more ugly. She stood tall in high-heeled boots looking much like an amazon. She wore her bright purple hair in a ponytail and had a golden mask over her face. Her armor was beyond disgusting.

The other three just looked like humanoid scorpions. "CEASE HER!" the woman screamed, pointing her gloved hand in Cassie's direction.

"What is going on?!?!"

"I'll tell you what's going on, Cassie," the man rolled her name off of his tongue, as the humanoid scorpions grabbed her arms, "You are going back face the sweet evil music......."

* * *

Impatiently, Scorpio twirled a lock of her red streaked hair around her finger as she mentally reviewed her recollection of Calypso.

*She was born on Eltare and was Zordon and Celestial's only brat. She was half-Eltarien, half-Cindarien. My lovely girls killed her mother when she was but the tender age of seven. Afterward, Zordon took up the cause to fight the three and Calypso became his Grid Morphing Master at age twenty-one. Five years later, Artemis resigned as leader of the Morphing Masters and took off. Calypso kept up the fight. Eventually Rita got her hands on the bitch and placed her under the side of evil, but she broke the spell. Rita was forced to kill her and Calypso's last words were, 'I will live on'. *

"Now, the damned brat is back!" she slammed her foot on the ground in frustration. "And if I know Zordon as well as I do, he has at least SOME idea that she has been reborn."

"My queen?" a voice crept up on the angered Eltarien woman.

Calming down, Scorpio spun around to face Scorpina. "Yes, Scorpina?"

Clutching her stinger blade tightly in her hands, she nodded her head slightly. "I dispatched a message to the warriors of our current situation, but Zordon has yet to send the Power Rangers out to save Calypso's worthless life."

"He must know that she is his reborn daughter then. We will have to give him an incentive to send the rangers out into battle then." Scorpio's eyes wandered around the throne room for a moment, then landed on her general. "I want you to take a large group of vampites to Angel Grove Square. Attacking one of the most populated areas of Angel Grove should definitely bring him out of his reverie....... Especially, since it will be you attacking, Scorpina."

"Why am I to take the vampites, my queen?"

"They kill faster."

* * *

Just as Tommy drank the last of his soda, a familiar alarm rang from his red and silver communicator. "Man!" he heard Tanya groan. "Whenever we get together it's like those psychos orbiting the Earth can't quit!"

"Don't I know it," he returned as he answered the summoning page. "Tommy here."

"Tommy," Zordon's voice came booming out, "Scorpio has sent down two different forces and is attacking. The Turbo Rangers are already at Angel Grove Square dealing with Scorpina and her attack." "Scorpina?" Adam's voice shrieked slightly, gaining him an odd look from his girlfriend.

"Yes. It appears she now works for Scorpio," their mentor sighed slightly. "I need you and Adam, Tanya, Rocky and Katherine to help them."

"So where's the other attack?" Aisha piped up.

"About a half mile from your position," Alpha Five's voice came on in the background. "Divatox, Demise and scorpitrons are attacking a girl."

"That's a first," Shannon muttered.

"I want you to bring the girl to the Power Chamber, Artemis," Zordon informed her.


"I will explain when she is brought."

Tommy looked in Jason's direction and nodded his head. "Alright. Tommy out."

Cutting the connection, the Red Zeo Ranger prepared to morph. "You guys heard what Zordon said," he paused. "It's morphin' time!"

"Zeo Ranger I, Pink!" Katherine shouted.

"Zeo Ranger II, Yellow!" Tanya shouted.

"Zeo Ranger III, Blue!" Rocky shouted.

"Zeo Ranger IV, Green!" Adam shouted.

"Zeo Ranger V, Red!" Tommy shouted.

"Zeo Ranger VI, White!" Shannon shouted.

"Element Ranger, Flame!" Jason shouted.

"Element Ranger, Wave!" Aisha shouted.

"Element Ranger, Wind!" Trini shouted.

"Element Ranger, Nature!" Zack shouted.

"Element Ranger, Sound!" Kimberly shouted.

"Element Ranger, Light!" Billy shouted.

Right when they were about to teleport, the Flame Ranger hesitated and Tommy couldn't help but notice. "You alright, Jase?"

"Yeah, I got a little dizzy there. I just need to sit down for a second," he reached for the nearest chair and pulled off his helmet. "You five go ahead. We'll get to Divatox in a minute."

Still skeptical, the Zeo Ranger shot a look at his wife. "Keep an eye on him, Sweetcheeks."

"I will, don't worry," she assured, smiling widely under her helmet. "Now go!"

Obeying her order, the five Zeo Rangers flew away in columns of colored light.

* * *

Watching her plan execute perfectly through the eyes of her warriors, Scorpio laughed in pure evil joy. "My plan is working like a CHARM!"

* * *

"Who in the hell are you?" Liyah Hillard snapped as she circled Scorpina in the middle of Angel Grove Square.

"Me?" the assassin took her gold-armored hand and placed it to her chest. "I am just an old friend. I'm sure Adam can tell you that." she stared at a spot behind the morphed Red Turbo Ranger.

"An old friend?" Adam's voice called out from behind Liyah. "You were never an old friend, Scorpina; more like an old pain in butt." Turning slightly, the younger girl saw the Green Zeo Ranger approaching the two. "Move out of the way, Liyah. Scorpina's mine."

"But what if.........."

Adam's helmeted head darted the blonde's way; she could almost feel his dark brown eyes glaring at her. "Get out of the way, Liyah. I don't need back up."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Adam," Scorpina's red lips curled into a smirk.

Adam's white-gloved hands squeezed into two tight fists, as he fought the urge to send dozens of curse words flying the poisonous vixen's way. "Leave, Liyah," he repeated himself tersely, his mouth tightening into a straight line.

Finally giving up, Liyah left silently and began to help fight off the vampites Scorpina had brought with her. "Your friend has left Adam," she whispered, leaning her stinger blade against her chest for that instant. "You can tell me how you really feel now, Love."

Replying her taunt, Adam quickly withdrew his Zeo laser pistol and fired five on-target shots; all hitting Scorpio's head general square in the chest and sending her wheeling to the ground.

"Augh!" she began to pull herself up onto her feet as she spoke, "You did not exactly express the feelings I had expected you to reveal, but it will make my job much easier because of that choice." Scorpina gripped her stringer blade in a battle stance. "You will die along with your Power Pest friends......"

* * *

Almost immediately after the five Zeo Rangers left, the Zeo Guardian went for her Zeo pistol and withdrew it. "Shannon, what's going on?" Kimberly's voice wavered as the pistol came to point directly at her.

"This is what is going on Kim," the brunette stepped closer as her best friend stepped farther away. "Jason, Trini, Billy, Zack, Aisha and me are all evil. We live for Scorpio. Calypso has been reborn and is going to join us VERY soon," her finger anxiously tightened around the pistol's trigger, "And you are as good as dead."

Suddenly going extremely trigger-happy, Shannon began firing at Kimberly until her purple-clad body was lying on the Youth Center's floor, convulsing in pain. "That was fun," she whispered hideously.

"It certainly looked fun." Zack agreed, as the six evil warriors unlatched their helmets.

"You are so perfect," Jason whispered as he came up behind Shannon and kissed her tenderly on her cheek.

"I know," she purred concededly in his ear. "But we need to go to where Divatox is holding Calypso. Who knows what she may try?"

"Nothing," Billy remarked, brushing his dark blond hair back with his gloved hand. "Mistress has her on a six-inch leash. She would surely die if she tried anything."

"True, but that's besides the fact," Shannon brushed off the Light Ranger's words with a wave of her hand. "We cannot stand here and be a willing suspect in poor Kimberly's attack." She nodded her head in the fallen Purple Ranger's direction. "It wouldn't settle right with Tommy or Zordon. They would suspect us beyond a shadow of a doubt; thus our cover would be blown away with the wind."

"Then let us go," Aisha insisted, placing her hands to her belt buckle.

Jason shook his head in agreement after letting go of the White Zeo Ranger's body. "Let us go."

The six placed their hands onto their belt buckles and left within a rainbow of bright colors; Kimberly's still body lying, looking nearly dead, on the floor.

* * *

"Iyaiyaiyai!" Alpha Five cried, pressing all kinds of switches and buttons on the consoles in front of him. "Zordon, sensors are detecting laser fire inside the Youth Center."

Zordon looked down on Alpha startled. "Laser fire, Alpha? Are you sure?"

"All sensors are detecting laser fire," the robot repeated.

"Are the rangers still there?"

Alpha moved across the main computer console and checked the sensors. "All of the rangers have left, except Kimberly," as he finished the little robot did a double take at the readouts. "Kimberly is injured; it seems she was HIT with the laser fire!"

Zordon's face masked his fear well. "From what weapon did the laser fire emit from, Alpha?"

"A Zeo Laser Pistol!"

* * *

Watching bright lights set down in front of her, Divatox groaned. *She had to send her colorful brigade to watch my every movement, didn't she? * She thought angrily.

"Divatox," Shannon's voice commanded her, before the girl even materialized out of her respectful white streak.

"What do ya want?" the washed-up villainess smacked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, making a clicking sound.

Waving her finger innocently, a white lighting bolt flew from Shannon's finger and hit Divatox square in the chest; knocking her to the floor of the motel room. "When you speak to me, bitch, you will speak to me with the respect and dignity that I require." Divatox watched the Zeo Guardian snarl over her as Jason placed a delicate arm around his wife's waist. "Is that understood?"

As she hesitated to answer, Aisha came over to her and kicked her in the stomach with her boot. "Understood," Scorpio's youngest child responded quickly, while keeling over on all fours.

A sardonic smile spread across Shannon features. "Very well." She nodded to Zack and Billy. "Go and bring me this girl Zordon wants oh so badly."

As the Nature and Light Rangers left the room, the evil woman on the floor suddenly looked up at the lone evil Zeo Ranger. "You have no idea what you were sent here to capture for Mother, do you?"

Trini spoke up then. "There was no time for Scorpina to tell us; I assume you know who we have captured, Divatox?"

"Of course." She replied, a smile tugging at her lips. "But I'll let you figure it out on your own; Artemis, of all people, should recognize her."

"And why is this, Divatox?" Jason queried, cocking his head in a curious fashion.

Before she could answer Jason's question, Zack and Billy came back into the room, Billy carrying a limp girl in his arms. "Here she is, Shannon," Zack announced, running his hand through his dreads. "As the Mistress ordered."

Shannon's eyes went wide when they fell upon the girl, much to Divatox's happiness. "Do you recognize her, Shannon?" the Wave Ranger asked, glancing from the ranger's face to the girl's body in Billy's arms.

The brunette swallowed hard, before replying. "I do, Aisha. I do."

"Who is she then?" the blond Billy urged.

"Calypso," her lips formed a thin straight line. "The Grid Morphing Master, my ancestor's friend and Zordon's daughter."

* * *

"You know if you had said you loved me, I might have been able to convince Scorpio to spare your miserable life," Scorpina queried, lunging her stinger blade at Adam's helmet.

"I know." he allowed, carefully dodging the silver blade. "There are two problems though."

Scorpina stumbled back, as the Green Ranger was able to cleanly connect a crescent kick to her stomach. "What are they?" she asked intrigued, recovering from the blow.

"One, you won't win in the first place," Adam began to charge her. "And second, I never loved you; a crush, maybe, but love, I think not."

Scorpina fell to the ground once again, Adam hovering above her with his Zeo sword pointed down at her throat. "You have won this fight," she declared, while stating the obvious.

"So I see."

"But I will be back. And by the time I finish with you, you will learn to love me; as a slave loves his queen." With her threatening words, Scorpina disappeared within an aura of gold.

"Damn!" he shoved the sword down into the ground, where the assassin once laid.

"Adam," Zordon's voice immediately spoke up his helmet communicator.

"Yeah, Zordon?" he responded with a slight sigh.

"It appears Kimberly has been shot down and injured by laser fire; she is in the Youth Center. Please bring her to the Power Chamber quickly."

Adam gasped, as a strange thought ran through her head. *Who would attack Kim in the Youth Center? And where are Jason and the others?* "On my way, Zordon. Adam out."

His gloves touched his belt buckle and her was gone in a flash of green.

* * *

"Kim? Kimberly?" Adam called out as he materialized directly outside the Youth Center's Gym, in the hallway.

"Ohhhhhhhh," he heard a moan come from inside the gym.

"Kim!" Adam ran into the room and found her body lying in an odd position on the floor. "KIM!"

Kneeling down next to her, the Green Ninjetti slowly lifted her up into his arms. "Kimberly, can you hear me?" he called to her another time.

"Ohh," her head moved ever so cautiously to face him. "Adam, is that you? Why do I hurt so much?" her voice was tired and filled with aching pain.

"Just hold on, alright?" he told her comfortingly. "I'm gonna get you to the Power Chamber and you'll be up and about in no time."

"Okay," she whispered and they disappeared within a mixed streak of green and purple.

* * *

Chapter Seventy: "Only She Could Understand"

"Mistress, I demand to know what is going on!" Shannon boomed as she stormed into throne room where Scorpio was.

"My, my. What tone you have Artemis," Scorpio smiled upon her white warrior. "What do you demand to know?"

"Why have you brought Calypso here, Mistress?" she demanded, brushing a stray bang of brown curls from her face.

"Why?" the older woman laughed. "She is here because she is Calypso. Zordon already knew that she was in Angel Grove by the time I found out; if he had gotten a hold of that brat he would have had another ranger; a Morphing Master and Guardian Ranger at that. He would have another ranger for you to fight against in your delicate condition. It would be best if she was used as a warrior on our side instead, do you not think Artemis?"

Shannon bowed her head. "Yes, my mistress. I am sorry I bellowed at you so. It is rather hard to control my emotions at this time."

"I except your apology," Scorpio acknowledged. "Please, go speak with Calypso for a time; it might help you calm yourself. Then, have Jason report to me. I would like to speak to him about how we should arrange your absence."

"As you wish, Mistress," the White Zeo Ranger began to walk away from the throne, but was stopped by her mistress' voice.


She spun around. "Yes, my queen?"

"Take good care of yourself for the next few days," her red eyes darted to Shannon's stomach. "Remember that child you carry is as well mine as it is yours and Jason's."

The brunette bowed her head once again. "Very well, my mistress."

* * *

"Oooooooo," Cassie moaned as she woke up from her unconscious state. "God, what happened to me?"

"You were given a sedative by Divatox," a voice startled her. Focusing her vision, the girl was able to make out the black bed sheets of the bed she had been lying on. Slowly, bringing her head up, Cassie found Shannon standing in a corner of the room, glancing through the shelf of books in front of her. "Who are you?" she muttered, then gazed around the black room. "On second thought, where am I?"

Watching Shannon stare up at her, Cassie noticed her saddened eyes and solemn face. "You do not remember do you, Calypso?"

"Calypso?" she questioned. "I don't know who you think I am, but I really don't care; I'm out of here!"

Dashing for the door, she stopped short when a white energy bolt struck the stone door. "I will kill you before you leave, Calypso. And I sincerely do not want to do that." she declared, her voice strong and serious.

Sighing, Cassie sat back down on the bed. "I don't know why you're calling me Calypso, but my name is Cassie." She took off her leather jacket, which still happened to be on her. "What's your name?"

"Shannon," the Zeo Guardian reluctantly responded after a minute. "But Mistress calls me Artemis as well as my superiors. Mistress Scorpio will refer to you as Calypso also."


"Because you ARE Calypso. You are the reincarnation of her," Shannon explained carefully.

"What?" she spoke up, confused. "I don't understand."

"You will understand in time."

There was an eerie silence between the two until Shannon sat down in a chair near the bed and finally spoke. "You know, Calypso was probably the most loyal friend I ever had. She was not like anyone else. When I stepped down as leader of the Morphing Masters, she was the one who demanded that I stay; not even Syryn said anything and he was the one that caused me to leave," tears began to slowly form in her eyes. "I had loved him with all my heart, but he had to go and have sex with that daughter of a bastard. I gave him love unconditionally, dammit!" she quickly wiped the saltwater tears from her cheeks and looked up at Cassie. "And now, I have the chance to tell Calypso to her face how I felt about her, how much I respected her, yet I cannot. She is trapped inside of you, Cassie. Only you can let her out."

"I wish I knew how to let her out," Cassie sadly replied. "It sounds like she would know what to say right now."

The other girl nodded her head. "You know, I am married."

"To this Syryn guy?"

"Partly," she gave a small smile. "But that is of another story. I am married to this other man, Jason; Syryn's best friend. He treats so much differently than Syryn ever did," her eyes glazed over wistfully for an instant. "He has never betrayed me. He thinks of me as his patron goddess; his ONLY patron goddess. He has given me everything I have ever yearned for," Shannon pressed a hand to her slightly bulging stomach, "even his child."

"You're pregnant?!?!" the Asian girl cried quietly.

"Of course," the brunette replied, then began comparing Jason and Tommy again. "Jason loves me for me; for the child I am giving him. Syryn loves me for the sex I give him." She frowned. "I gave that bastard three children. Yet all he can do to reward me is to go behind my back and have sex with the next female to cross his path."

Cassie and Shannon both became quiet. *Artemis! Finish your talk with Calypso; it is time to convert her!* Scorpio's mental voice rang in the White Ranger's head suddenly.

*But, Mistress, there is still so much to speak of...*

*I do not care, Artemis! It is time and you will obey my orders! Is that understood? *

*Yes, Mistress Scorpio* she responded with an obedient tone. "Cassie?" Shannon called to the girl who she had confessed her feelings to.

"Yeah, Shannon?"

"Do you want to know what Syryn looks like?" she asked.

"It always helps to put a face to a name," the raven-haired girl remarked.

Shannon shot her a wry grin. "Well, close your eyes and I'll describe him, okay?"

"Alright," Cassie agreed, shutting her brown eyes.

"Syryn has long shoulder length brown hair," white energy began to slowly flare in her hand, "and deep brown eyes. His complexion was a kind of tan and he had hawk-like facial features; one of the things that turned me on to him." She stood up from chair and held the ball of white energy in her grip tightly.

"What else?" she questioned innocently.

A lone tear trickled down her tan skin before she answered, throwing the energy at Cassie, "And he had a heck of a personality."

Impacting with her, the magic knocked the reincarnation of Calypso unconscious again. "I am sorry, if it is any consolation," Shannon came up to the limp body lying of the black bed and stroked her cheek. "But what my mistress commands, I must obey."

The Zeo Guardian exited the room silently, leaving her new found friend to her 'nap'.

* * *

Watching the eleven teleportation lights set down in the Power Chamber, Adam let out an audible sigh of relief, which surprised the Green Zeo Ranger; he hadn't really realized he had been holding his breath, as he awaited the arrival of his teammates.

"How is she?" Tommy immediately removed his helmet and asked.

"She's okay right now," Adam replied reassuringly, "but we still haven't been able to locate the others. It's like they totally disappeared off the face of the Earth."

"There's only two places on Earth that can make it appear you're not on the planet," Camellia Kaze spoke up as she tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, we already figured that," the Zeo Ranger agreed touching a few buttons on the console next to him and bringing up the sensor readings on the Viewing Globe. "We scanned for any residual readings or homing beacons that could be emitting from the Element Crystals or the White Zeo Crystal; the Subcraft is clean, but we can't get any readings on the Zesta's old dungeon."

"The only way you can figure out if anyone is in there is by monitoring who exits and enters the dungeon, though," Tanya pointed out, giving a critical eye to the sensor readings.

"Correct," Alpha coincided with the Yellow Ranger.

"So where could they possibly be?" Justin Stewart brought the question up again as he looked up to Zordon.

Their mentor was silent for minute. "I believe I may be able to answer your questions, rangers." His gazed focused on the Viewing Globe. "Please look to the Viewing Globe."

As the sensor readings disappeared from the screen, Zordon informed, "I was able to obtain this video from one of the sensors that were monitoring Divatox as she was attacking the girl I mentioned earlier."

The eleven watched as a picture blinked on.

Demise wandered the lone motel room as Divatox stepped in. "Has she been captured?" he questioned her anxiously.

"Yes," she smirked. "You can leave now."

Demise's black eyes narrowed. "Very well," he smiled crookedly while fading into an aura of black.

"Finally," the Evil Harlot of Eltare grinned. "No one to monitor me and make sure I obey orders."

Obviously happy, the grin immediately slid off of her face when she spotted the six flashes of colored light appear. As the bright lights set down in front of her, Divatox groaned.

"Divatox," Shannon's voice commanded her, before the girl even materialized out of her respectful white streak.

"What do ya want?" the washed-up villainess smacked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, making a clicking sound.

Waving her finger innocently, a white lighting bolt flew from Shannon's finger and hit Divatox square in the chest; knocking her to the floor of the motel room. "When you speak to me, bitch, you will speak to me with the respect and dignity that I require." the Zeo Guardian snarled down on her as Jason placed a delicate arm around his wife's waist. "Is that understood?"

As she hesitated to answer, Aisha came over to her and kicked her in the stomach with her boot. "Understood," Scorpio's youngest child responded quickly, while keeling over on all fours.

A sardonic smile spread across Shannon features. "Very well." She nodded to Zack and Billy. "Go and bring me this girl Zordon wants oh so badly."

As the Nature and Light Rangers left the room, the evil woman on the floor suddenly looked up at the lone evil Zeo Ranger. "You have no idea what you were sent here to capture for Mother, do you?"

Trini spoke up then. "There was no time for Scorpina to tell us; I assume you know who we have captured, Divatox?"

"Of course." She replied, a smile tugging at her lips. "But I'll let you figure it out on your own; Artemis, of all people, should recognize her."

"And why is this, Divatox?" Jason queried, cocking his head in a curious fashion.

Before she could answer Jason's question, Zack and Billy came back into the room, Billy carrying a limp girl in his arms. "Here she is, Shannon," Zack announced, running his hand through his dreads. "As the Mistress ordered."

Shannon's eyes went wide when they fell upon the girl, much to Divatox's happiness. "Do you recognize her, Shannon?" the Wave Ranger asked, glancing from the ranger's face to the girl's body in Billy's arms.

The brunette swallowed hard, before replying. "I do, Aisha. I do."

"Who is she then?" the blond Billy urged.

"Calypso," her lips formed a thin straight line. "The Grid Morphing Master, my ancestor's friend and Zordon's daughter."

Jason let out a chuckle. "You are kidding, Shannon? How could Zordon have a daughter?"

She turned grimly and laid a delicate kiss on his lips. "No, I do not kid you. She is Zordon's daughter. Calypso, the Grid Morphing Master."

The picture faded out and shocked expressions appeared on each and every one of the Power Rangers' faces. "Lemme guess," Rocky was first to mutter a word, "they're evil, right?"

His obvious questioned was answered by an unusual silence.

"Calypso......" the words flew slowly from Tommy's mouth while he continued to stare at the darkened Viewing Globe. "She's back."

"Who is back?" Tamara Oliver, Tommy's sister, insisted.

"Calypso, who else," he spun around and faced Zordon. "You knew Zordon, didn't you? You knew she was back, but you didn't tell me. ME! Syryn! I could have saved her if you had told me who she was!"

The Eltarien stood bold at the raising of the Zeo Ranger's voice. "I didn't think it was necessary." He simply answered, then changed the subject altogether. "Watch the Viewing Globe again, rangers. I was able to gain this from my link with Calypso."

"Ooooooo," someone moaned as the black haze cleared. "God, what happened to me?"

As the haze cleared away and showed black bed sheets, Shannon's voice answered, "You were given a sedative by Divatox."

Slowly, the view changed to show Shannon, in a loose white tunic and pants, standing in a corner of a room looked at a shelf of books. "Who are you?" the other voice questioned as the view paned the whole room. "On second thought, where am I?"

The view changed to see Shannon staring, sadness deeply etched into her face. "You do not remember, Calypso?"

It then became obvious that the rangers were looking through the eyes of the Grid Morphing Master.

"Calypso? I don't know who you think I am, but I really don't care; I'm out of here!"

Suddenly the picture snapped to the near by door and began to edge closer. Before it made it though, a white flash of energy struck the dark door. "I will kill you before you leave, Calypso. I sincerely do not want to do that," Shannon's voice declared.

Watching as a sigh was heard, the view returned to its original spot and looked at the White Zeo Ranger again. "I don't know why you're calling me Calypso, but my name is Cassie. What's your name?" Cassie queried.

After a minute, the other girl replied. "Shannon. But Mistress calls me Artemis as well as my superiors. Mistress Scorpio will refer to you as Calypso also."


"Because you ARE Calypso. You are the reincarnation of her."

"What?" Cassie spoke up, confused. "I don't understand."

"You will understand in time."

As an eerie silence descended between the two, Shannon sat down in a chair near the bed and spoke. "You know, Calypso was probably the most loyal friend I ever had. She was not like anyone else. When I stepped down as leader of the Morphing Masters, she was the one who demanded that I stay; not even Syryn said anything and he was the one that caused me to leave," tears began to slowly form in her eyes. "I had loved him with all my heart, but he had to go and have sex with that daughter of a bastard. I gave him love unconditionally, dammit!" she quickly wiped the saltwater tears from her cheeks and looked up. "And now, I have the chance to tell Calypso to her face how I felt about her, how much I respected her, yet I cannot. She is trapped inside of you, Cassie. Only you can let her out."

"I wish I knew how to let her out," Cassie sadly replied. "It sounds like she would know what to say right now."

The other girl nodded her head. "You know, I am married." Shannon blurted out.

"To this Syryn guy?"

"Partly," she gave a small smile. "But that is of another story. I am married to this other man, Jason; Syryn's best friend. He treats so much differently than Syryn ever did," her eyes glazed over wistfully for an instant. "He has never betrayed me. He thinks of me as his patron goddess; his ONLY patron goddess. He has given me everything I have ever yearned for," Shannon pressed a hand to her slightly bulging stomach, "even his child."

"You're pregnant?!?!" the captured girl cried quietly.

"Of course," the brunette replied, then began comparing Jason and Tommy again. "Jason loves me for me; for the child I am giving him. Syryn loves me for the sex I give him." She frowned. "I gave that bastard three children. Yet all he can do to reward me is to go behind my back and have sex with the next female to cross his path."

Two teenage girls both became quiet.

"Cassie?" Shannon called to the person who she had confessed her feelings to.

"Yeah, Shannon?"

"Do you want to know what Syryn looks like?" she asked curiously.

"It always helps to put a face to a name," they heard Cassie remark.

Shannon plastered a wry grin onto her face. "Well, close your eyes and I'll describe him, okay?"

"Alright," Cassie's voice agreed, and the rangers' picture went dark once again.

"Syryn has long shoulder length brown hair," they all listened to their friend's voice describe Tommy's features, "and deep brown eyes. His complexion was a kind of tan and he had hawk-like facial features; one of the things that turned me on to him." They all heard a low squeak of an old chair.

"What else?" she questioned innocently.

The darkness began to lighten a little bit as Shannon answered her, "And he had a heck of a personality."

Hearing a loud and forceful blast of something next, their view went dark.

The next noise heard was the clattering of something hollow falling onto the marble Power Chamber floor; Tommy's red helmet.

"Tommy," Kat whispered placing a hand against her leader's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"No," he responded bluntly, turning his back to the Viewing Globe; the ranger's face wet with tears of his own. "I am a lying, uncaring, bastard rapist in Shannon's eyes and that doesn't begin to settle right with me. Not one bit."

"Tommy, I'm sure....." Rocky began, but was cut off.

"NO! I don't want to hear it," he kicked the helmet on the floor with his white boot. "I'm sick of being consoled and comforted with lies and things that don't have any meaning! Do any of you know what I'm going through?" he walked over to the case at the back of the chamber that encased the White Morphin' Ranger armor. "She's pregnant with Jason's child, dammit! My wife is pregnant with my best friend's child!"

Tommy's scream was followed by the sound of shattering glass. "Pregnant?" everyone faced the stairs to watch Kimberly take a sharp breath as the broken glass of a drinking cup littered the floor.

"Yeah," the other 'betrayed' ranger simply answered. "Shannon's having Jason's child..........."

* * *

Stepping into her quarters, tears streaked Shannon's usually beautiful face; her grief and woe scared into fatigued body. "Jason?" she called, looking for her savior. Her lover. Her husband. Her own guardian.

Falling onto the bed before her, the evil warrior of Scorpio's began to cry once more. "Jason?" she called out again, hoping and pleading for a response.

She waited but never received the response she had hoped for. The response of comfort that she needed. Instead, she was left alone in the dark room with her misery.

With that very misery, Shannon tightly balled herself into a fetal position and cried until her body ached and her eyes allowed no more tears. The tears drained her pain. The pain she had no name for; the same pain she could not comprehend.

"I am sorry, Calypso," she whispered in between her slowing sobs. "I am truly sorry, Calypso. Truly............"

The End... for now

