Children of the Stars
Part Four
By Rachel D Dawson

In coruscating columns of vibrant color, three armored warriors arrived on the arid cliffs outside the local Native American reservation. They were greeted by the sounds of combat, with several different battle shrieks spotting the constant clashing of metal or energy against hardened clay.

"Let's move," Tommy stated, racing up a hill towards the sounds, "This doesn't sound right."

"No kidding," Zack huffed, a faint aura of silver energy blanketing his body, "I'll take a closer look."

The Silver X-Ranger magnetically lifted himself into the air, high enough to see over the hills. He gasped loudly at the sight before him, and shook his head slightly to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Before his eyes was a handful of vicious Viper Putties. And they were being thoroughly smote by what looked like Pink, Yellow, Blue, and Red Rangers. However, the pattern of their uniform was very distinct from any of the uniforms he had seen.

A new set of Power Rangers?

"Zack!" Jason called, looking up at his friend who was apparently dumbstruck, "What do you see?"

"Whoa," Tommy then muttered, once the battle scene had fallen into his range of vision, "Jase, you're not going to believe this!"

The Black Terran Ranger was quick to join his best friend and share his vantage point. He blinked several times before raising his wrist unit to his mouth.

"Billy? Are you still watching what's going on here?"

^Yes, I see the four apparent Power Rangers,^ Billy responded, ^They've managed to winnow down the number of Viper Putties down to four from over a dozen in the time it took you to reach the battle.^

"Are they really... Power Rangers?" Tommy whispered.

^All Power Ranger teams have to morph, and that creates an energy signature that matches across teams. We're looking into that now.^

"You and Aisha?" Jason inquired.

^Actually, Billy called us all in,^ said Katherine's voice over the intercom, ^This situation is far more complicated than it first appeared, so everyone's on standby at the CAC.^

^For now, engage these foreign Rangers,^ Billy continued, ^Make sure they don't vanish after the fight. We must complete our scans to determine whether they are truly Power Rangers, or if they are the next trick from the Moon forces.^

"You got it," Tommy said, as he once again broke into a run towards the fight. By this time each Ranger was facing a Viper Putty one-on-one, and they were too involved in their personal conflicts to notice the new arrivals.

Tommy was quick to reach the Pink Ranger, who was struggling to loosen her opponent's grip from her crossbow.

"Need a hand?" he offered, coming upon the Viper Putty from the side. He then delivered a powerful kick to the arms of the Putty, forcing it to release the crossbow.

The Pink Ranger stumbled back a bit at the sudden release, but quickly regained her balance. "Actually, Red Ranger," she responded, aiming her crossbow carefully, "Edana and I were doing just fine. Weren't we, Edana?"

Tommy froze in place when he heard the crossbow respond "We certainly were, Pink Starlight Ranger."

Tommy watched in mute amazement as a pulsing stream of glittering energy flowed from the tip of the crossbow, plowing into the chest of the Viper Putty and reducing it to ashes practically on impact.

Not far away, Jason was quick to reach the side of the Yellow Ranger, who was blindsided by the Viper Putty, and stumbled backwards, tripping over a raised root on the dusty trail. She yelped in surprise as her back struck the ground, and the force of her descent caused her to drop her griffin-headed javelin.

At a loss for options, she rolled along the ground, barely managing to avoid the stream of bubbling venom the creature spat at her.

"Hey!" Jason yelled, racing at the Putty, "That's no way to treat a lady!"

The Yellow Ranger gasped in surprise as the Black Terran Ranger sailed over her, plowing his elbows into the Viper Putty's chest. He then pushed off the creature, somersaulting in the air and landing perfectly on his feet. He grinned as the stunned Putty fell to the ground, twitching slightly.

"You..." the Yellow Ranger whispered, "you're..."

"He's not out of commission yet," Jason warned, his sharp Earth Sword materializing in his hand, "until he crumbles to dust, a Viper Putty is extremely deadly."

The Yellow Ranger nodded mutely, and watched as Jason dug the edge of his sword into the ground. Then, the ground opened up just beneath the putty, creating a chasm into which the magical creature plummeted. The chasm quickly sealed itself, and Jason's sword vanished.

"Are you okay?" he asked, offering her his hand.

Too startled to respond, Brittany Lee allowed her father to help her to her feet.

Zack noticed with a quick look that Jason had chosen to aid the Yellow Ranger, and Tommy had elected to assist the Pink Ranger. He then carefully examined the battles of both the Red and Blue Rangers, who both seemed to be dealing well with their opponents. The two Rangers fought in close proximity, each often turning to catch a glance at how the other was doing.

Zack grinned to himself. "If I were a betting man, I'd say they were dating," he decided, flying towards them both. After a quick glimpse, he decided to first aid the Red Ranger, after a powerful blow from the putty forced him to drop his sword.

"Hi," Zack called, hovering right over the Red Ranger, "Need a hand?"

The Red Ranger was mute as Zack held his open palm at the Putty. Instantly, a magnetic bubble surrounded the creature, trapping it within.

"And now for the fun part," Zack said, his silver and white Lance of Light appearing in his hands. He balanced the lance between both hands, with one gemstone glowing steadily with white light. Then, the bubble surrounding the putty vanished, allowing the putty to rise to its feet. No sooner did the putty recover its bearings did Zack plow the glowing gemstone into the creature's stomach. The heated gem dug into the clay, sending white shockwaves throughout its body. It then stopped twitching, and shattered into shards of dried up clay.

The Silver X-Ranger smiled at his work, spinning his powerful lance in victory. He then turned to the mysterious Red Ranger, who was still frozen in shock and confusion.

"Yo," Zack said, approaching him slowly, "You okay, Man?"

Before Zack could take another step, he felt a steady kick grind into the small of his back. With a loud grunt, he fell onto his face, the tip of his helmet landing just a few inches in front of the Red Ranger.

With a groan, Zack managed to turn around... only to see two sharp axes fall upon his neck threateningly.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" the female Blue Ranger questioned, leaning forward to press the axes against Zack's silver armor.

Zack's shocked expression quickly changed into a frown. "I think you're the one that should be answering that question," he challenged, sitting up further in defiance. He felt the axes against his armor, but he refused to back down.

"Regi- uh, Blue Ranger," Anthony then said, stepping passed the Silver Ranger and lying his hand on her shoulder, "Let him up. He helped me destroy that Putty."

"But... maybe this is one of Goldar's tricks or something," she pressed, not removing the axes, "Look at this guy! He's no Terran Ranger!"

"Hey!" Tommy then called, as he, Jason, and the Pink and Yellow Starlights raced to the confrontation, "What are you doing?"

"Is this guy with you?" the Pink Ranger asked, "Is he a Terran Ranger?"

"He's one of us," Jason answered, "but how do you know about-?"

"Uh... sorry about that," the Blue Ranger said in a sheepish voice, quickly pulling away her axes, "I didn't realize there was a Silver Terran Ranger. No hard feelings?"

"I... I guess not," Zack muttered, as both Tommy and the Red Starlight Ranger helped him to his feet. After Zack was standing, the two Red Rangers made eye contact, a curious frown forming on Tommy's forehead.

"How is it you know who we are, but we have no clue who you are?" Tommy inquired, as he, Zack, and Jason regrouped.

"I'm sorry," the other Red Ranger said, "we should introduce ourselves. We're the Starlight Power Rangers."

"What planet are you guys from?" Tommy pressed, folding his arms, "and what do you need here on Earth?"

"Oh, we're from Earth," the Yellow Ranger answered, "Just not this Earth."

"We actually came here via the Multiverse," the Blue Ranger clarified, "we're from the fut-"

^Terran Rangers,^ a voice sprang from Zack, Tommy, and Jason's communicators, ^Do you read?^

"Excuse us for just a moment," Tommy said, as the trio stepped away from the Starlight Rangers.

"And don't go anywhere," Zack added, before the three congregated in a tight circle.

"Go ahead, Billy," Tommy said, "We're clear."

^Primary analyses have been completed. While I can't yet clarify the hodge-podge of energy signatures attached to these so-called 'Starlight Rangers,' I am very certain that they are indeed members of the Power Ranger family. While the energy source is quite complicated, the basic parameters are very similar to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers... the White Ranger in particular.^

^Hey, Billy,^ Adam's voice said, the communicator relay picking up the conversation, ^Take a look at this!^

"What's going on?" Zack inquired.

^It... it's impossible...^ Billy whispered in surprise.

"Jeez... don't leave us in suspense!" Jason muttered.

^The computer has managed to identify one-part of the energy pattern that fuels these Starlight Rangers. And it matches the signature of... the Zeo Crystal.^

Tommy, Jason, and Zack all glanced at each other meaningfully.

"Then they are telling the truth," Jason whispered, "They must be from another dimension! They do seem to be from Earth, and if the Zeo Crystal plays some part in their morph, it must be true. They certainly didn't get any energy from our crystal."

While the Terran Rangers were caught in a deep discussion amongst themselves, the four Starlight Rangers gathered together as well.

"Now what do we do?" Regina sighed, fingering her belt nervously, "The Terran Rangers know we're here!"

"That was the general idea, Gina," Brittany pointed out, "Still... it was so weird seeing my dad jump out of the blue like that. He's nowhere near as reckless back home."

"Yes, we touched base with the Rangers," Rebecca stated, "so we're one step closer to joining together the arrowhead. Now we've got the two halves. But now we have to figure out what we will and won't tell the Terran Rangers. Do we want them to know about the future?"

"It's not their future," Anthony reminded them, "Our timestream and theirs forked when Rita and Zedd traveled into the future, and then went back to their departure point. That created a ten-year retreat from alien encounters, starting a few months ago in this dimension. So in other words, we know for a fact that this world will not become ours. So we wouldn't really be revealing their future."

"And we know they'd be more likely to help us if they knew we were their children," Brittany commented, "How likely will they sacrifice the healing powers of the arrowhead to help five perfect strangers who won't even tell them where we come from?"

"Let's see what we can get accomplished without telling them too much," Anthony decided, "Even though our future isn't theirs, I'm sure it'll still rattle them to meet their children."

Just then, Rebecca made a full circle, gazing off into the distance. "Guys," she said, "don't you think Micah should have checked in by now?"

"I suppose he's still with David," Anthony hypothesized, lifting his communicator, "Tony to Micah. Micah?"

Anthony frowned when silence was his only response.

"What does that mean?" Brittany asked.

"I think it means the communicator is working, but no one's answering it," Rebecca stated, folding her arms, "We'd better look for him."

"Is there any way you can home in on his psi-print or something?" Regina suggested.

"Well, I can try," Rebecca answered, tightly closing her eyes. She quieted her own thoughts, reaching out in search of the familiar mind-pattern of her close friend.

"She should have found him by now," Anthony realized, "He shouldn't be further than a half a mile from here."

"Let's look for him," Regina decided, "We'll start from where we met him, and span out from there."

"Right," Rebecca and Brittany chimed, as the four Rangers hurried across the rocky cliff. No sooner did they take a step did the Terran Rangers notice their departure.

"Hey!" Zack called, chasing after them, "I thought I said not to pull a disappearing act!"

"Our Green Ranger has gone missing," Anthony reported, "He was protecting a civilian, but now he's not responding to our communiqué."

"You have a Green Ranger too?" Tommy inquired.

"Of course we do," Brittany huffed impatiently, "How many Ranger teams do you know with less than five members?"

Tommy conceded the point, and together the seven Rangers searched the general area. After about ten minutes, Rebecca's eyes fell on an artifact peaking out from a slight film of dust. She fell to her knees, dusting off the object before pulling it up.

"Oh no," she whispered, rising to her feet, "Guys! Over here!"

In seconds, all the Rangers were assembled before the petite Pink Ranger.

"What is it?" Anthony inquired, laying his hand on her shoulder.

In silence, she lifted the leather chord, with the stone arrowhead half hanging from it.

"That... that looks like my arrowhead pendant," Tommy whispered, hesitantly reaching for the chord. Rebecca placed the necklace in his gloved palm, as he, Jason, and Zack stared at it in awe.

"Where did you get this?" Tommy demanded, "Did your Green Ranger have it?"

Brittany, Anthony, Rebecca, and Regina traded worried looks. Then, after a moment of silence, Rebecca stepped forward.

"No, but the young man he was trying to protect is the owner of that pendant," she revealed, "but now they're both gone, and the only trace of them is this arrowhead."

"Something must have happened to them," Brittany thought out loud, "There's no way Micah or David would give up that arrowhead willingly."

"Micah and David?" Zack repeated.

Then, Regina gasped. "Do you think Goldar got to them?"

All present shuddered at the mention of the decorated alien warrior.

"Tommy," Anthony said suddenly, reaching out and grabbing the Red Terran Ranger's arm, "we need to go to the CAC. We won't be able to find Micah and David on foot. They've obviously been attacked. That's the only way they would have left this arrowhead behind."

Tommy startled at the Red Starlight's insight. "How did you know my name?! And what do you know about the CAC?"

"We'll explain everything," Anthony assured him, "but right now, we've got to find Micah and David. Their lives are hanging in the balance."

^Tommy,^ Billy's voice suddenly signaled from the communicator, ^I heard everything. We've identified them as Power Rangers, so I think we're safe to teleport them here. Teleporting... now."

With that, seven columns of light erupted from the earth, carrying the teens to their destination.

* * *

"Wow!" Kim uttered, an excited smile lighting up her features, "This is so amazing. Another team of Power Rangers!"

While Kimberly was obviously thrilled by the arrival of the four Starlight Rangers, most of the others displayed different reactions. Tanya stood behind Kimberly, an almost worried expression marring her face as she, Rocky, and Adam continued varying scans of the surrounding area near the battle site. Aisha and Alexis traded distrusting expressions, while Katherine studied the Rangers with a far more quizzical expression. Finally, Billy tore himself away from the teleportation relay, and stood before the seven morphed new arrivals.

"We've started the search for the two missing persons," Billy reported, "I do have some images of them stored in the computer, as I tracked Goldar when he first arrived."

At that, Katherine's head perked up. "Goldar?"

"Yes," Rebecca stated, folding her hands, "He attacked the three of us. I morphed and prepared to face him while Micah lead David to safety. But almost as soon as I was ready, Goldar just vanished."

"Goldar retreated?" Tommy asked, pulling off his helmet, "I doubt it. Is it possible he is responsible for your friends' disappearance?"

"Very possible," Anthony admitted, "Although, what would be his motive? He doesn't know us."

"That adds one more to the list," Alexis muttered, just loud enough for the Red Starlight Ranger to hear.

"Well, considering the computers are running a full scan, we have some time," Anthony began, raising his hands to his helmet, "I guess introductions are basically in order."

With that, he unlatched his helmet, and pulled it off his head. While the other Rangers didn't react, Kimberly gasped audibly as she recognized his auburn curls and wide aqua-blue eyes.

"You're that Anthony Monroe guy I saw in the hall!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide, "So it was your communicator that went off."

"Yes it was. You see, we're the Starlight Rangers, assembled in the year 2025. Basically we're on a very important mission, which required a trip back in time-"

"But," the Blue Ranger interrupted, "it's not exactly a trip back in time, since we're from a different timeline." She then met Anthony's gaze through her helmet. "I figured that should be emphasized."

She then pulled off her own helmet, and shook her curls free from their imprisonment. Adam startled slightly when he saw her.

"I saw you at the school," he recalled aloud, "uh... Regina. Right?"

Regina nodded with a smile. "You guessed it. Regina Drew."

"Wait a second," Aisha said, pressing her fingers against her temples, "Back up. You said you're from a different timeline. How do you know that? What exactly do you know about our dimension?"

"Our home universe isn't very much different from this one, but it's different enough," the Pink Ranger picked up, "Do you recall the time when Nate Grey and Annie Monroe came into this dimension, in pursuit of Solar?"

"How could we forget?" Aisha remarked, her fingers absently rubbing against her abdomen. Even after being completely healed from the terrible wounds inflicted by Holocaust, she still shivered at the reminder.

"Well, we're from that dimension," the Pink Ranger continued, "only sixteen years later."

The entire audience was stunned and baffled.

"Then, why are you here?" Billy asked, stepping forward to the Pink Ranger, who seemed to emerge as the team's spokesperson, "How did you get here? Why this particular dimension?"

Then, the Pink Ranger removed her helmet. Her warm smile fell upon Billy, and her eyes glinted with a gentility that felt intriguingly familiar to the young genius.

He knew that smile. That was the smile of pure love and good humor. A smile of tenderness. One feature that remained so clear in his memory... despite the years since his mother died.

Why did this girl remind him of his mother? And there was something about the eyes as well...

As for Rebecca, she felt the range of reactions Billy had to her countenance. She wasn't surprised at all, considering she was always reminded of her likeness to her grandmother and namesake.

She didn't need to be an empath to discern the impression she had made.

So, she decided to roll with it.

"One question at a time," she said finally, tucking her rose helmet in the crook of her arm, "Like Anthony first said, we're on a trip back through time. You see, there are some... very important people back home, who are extremely sick. They've been poisoned. And the only cure lies in the past, because that energy source has faded over time. Specifically, I'm speaking about the arrowhead of which Tommy is in possession of half."

At that, Tommy stepped forward, reaching beneath his collar to grip his arrowhead pendant. "What... what does it do?"

"It's actually a powerful healing device, which peaks in potential ability at the point of recombination," Rebecca continued, "We have the complete arrowhead in our time as well, but since over 25 years have passed since it has been rejoined, the healing power it has is all but insignificant. And, my father has determined that the whole arrowhead is the only way to heal those people, and that's because of the basis of power."

"What does that mean?" Alexis interjected.

"Both the power that poisoned the sick ones, as well as the arrowhead, emit magical power based on nature," Rebecca extrapolated, "That's impossible to manufacture, and very difficult to even find. But the arrowhead, at its peak strength, should be able to do the trick."

"So, your father figured the only way to heal those 'people' is to go back in time, and retrieve the two arrowhead halves?" Billy hypothesized, "But, why this dimension? How did he know whether or not we had already rejoined the arrowhead?"

"He was able to home in on the signal of this reality because of the fact that people from our reality had traveled to this reality before," Rebecca responded, "Over time, the Power Rangers have constructed equipment to make Multiversal transit a bit more predictable."

At that, Billy stepped even closer to Rebecca, bending down slightly to meet her deep brown eyes, which were slightly almond in shape.

That's when it dawned on him... just whose eyes they reminded him of.

"You mentioned your father," Billy pressed, tightly folding his hands behind his back as he pondered the best way to work out the inquiry, "is he a Power Ranger? Or does he work with them?"

Rebecca's smile widened. "I think you know the answer to that."

Then, the petite Pink Ranger held out her hand to him. "I'm Rebecca Mitchell. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Whoa..." Rocky whispered, his jaw dropping. All the others, including the Starlight Rangers, displayed similar forms of surprise as Billy accepted Rebecca's greeting with relative calmness, and shook her hand firmly.

"The pleasure is mine," Billy responded, matching Rebecca's warm smile.

"She... she's your..." Rocky stammered.

"Why are you not surprised?" Tanya wanted to know.

"It's hard to explain," Billy answered, turning to his lab assistant, "I just... knew I recognized her. I saw my mother in her." He then turned back to Rebecca, a faint blush rising in his cheeks. "And I may be incorrect in my hypothesis, but I also believe I see features of..."

He left the question hanging, the blush deepening as he worked out the sentence in his head.

Rebecca giggled slightly, before she reached out to touch her father's mind. *Yes, Trini is my mother. And on top of that, I'm a mutant as well... gifted in telepathy and empathy.*

Billy stumbled back slightly in reaction to the mental message, his eyes widening. "Prodigious," he whispered, blinking his eyes.

Adam, who had remained mostly quiet during this surprising revelation, then bit his lip, his eyes widening as an idea struck him. "If Rebecca is Billy's daughter," he began, "then are some of the rest of you...?"

Regina and Anthony cast each other questioning glances, and both turned to the still-masked Yellow Ranger. In truth, all were stunned at Rebecca's impromptu introduction. And now, they were all placed on a spot.

"I... I guess it couldn't hurt," Anthony said, his voice slightly timid, "After all, this isn't really our past. So our world isn't our future. Their knowing who we are shouldn't affect the timestream. Much."

"Right," Regina agreed, turning to Rebecca, "Right?"

"That's my hypothesis," the Pink Ranger answered.

"Then, I guess it's my turn," Brittany said rather weakly, stepping forth from behind her teammates. She slowly unhinged her helmet, and pulled it off. She ran her gloved fingers through her shortly-cropped mahogany hair, and cast her blue gaze around the entire room. She felt a slight chill as her gaze was met by almost naked anxiety from all the Rangers of that time period.

After passing her gaze across the room once, she locked eyes with Jason for a long moment. Jason at first blinked, until his entire body froze upon the realization of what that gaze meant.

"R...really?" Jason stuttered.

She nodded, a weak grin pulling at the corners of her pursed lips. "I'm Brittany. Brittany Lee."

"And your mother?" asked a clear voice from behind. All eyes turned to Katherine, who shrunk back slightly at the attention. Still, her head remained upraised, and her question stood.

"You probably know her by now. She's Emily Stanton," Brittany answered, a quizzical look on her face as she watched Katherine's reaction.

The Blue Terran Ranger nodded, a brisk and unreadable expression on her face. The others were quick to look away, for fear of making her even less comfortable given the situation.

"I... I don't know an Emily Stanton," Jason answered, turning his head in Katherine's direction.

Once it dawned on Brittany just how much her answer impacted the Rangers, she instantly regretted providing an answer.

"Don't forget," Regina said, quickly taking a stand beside Brittany, who was clearly reeling from the mistake she just made, "we're not from your universe. So much is different in our two worlds, and the changes began months ago. Our presence, or even existence, shouldn't be taken as an omen of the future. I personally doubt your future will look anything like ours, considering how much is different between them." She then kept her dark gaze upon Katherine. "Don't put too much thought into it."

"And are there any Power Rangers in your family tree, Regina?" Zack inquired, as nonchalantly as possible. He inched slightly closer to Aisha, and folded his arms over his chest as if bracing himself for any huge surprises.

Regina swallowed, noting the proximity between Aisha and Zack, and the anxiety on his face. "Aisha's my mother," she responded bluntly, "She's the only Power Ranger in my family tree."

Zack licked his lips, averting his eyes as his hands fell from his chest, and weakly hung from his belt. Aisha was quick to catch one of his hands with hers, and grip it tightly.

Regina felt her eyes sting at the display of devotion. It amazed her, especially since her mother and Zack Taylor were never romantically involved. In fact, they weren't even close friends!

"This world is so different..." Regina whispered.

"That's what my mother said," Anthony contributed, his gaze darting to Kimberly. Not surprisingly, Tommy's arm fell upon her shoulder the instant he noticed the attention the Red Starlight Ranger was paying to his girlfriend.

"Your name is Anthony Monroe, right?" Tommy inquired, gently pulling Kimberly closer.

Anthony nodded.

"So I take it you're Trevor and Kim's son."

There was a series of gasps and wide-eyed stares that responded to Tommy's hypothesis, each stemming from one of the Terran Rangers or their assistants. Katherine's nose wrinkled in confusion, as she folded her arms on her chest.

"Then that means... Annie, the woman who came here with Nate a few months ago..."

"...was really a future version of Kimberly?!" Rocky finished, frowning distastefully, "So, why didn't she tell us that?!"

"It makes sense," Billy revealed, "She didn't want to alarm everyone by informing them about the future."

"But... how did you know about it, Tommy?" Jason inquired.

"Annie revealed her identity when we went to the moon, to face Solar," Kimberly responded, her voice weak and distracted. She found she couldn't pull her gaze from the countenance of the Red Starlight Ranger.

She could certainly see it now. She didn't see it before, but once his identity was revealed, she put the features together. He had her hair, the same shiny, full auburn hair she took such pride in. His hair seemed a bit curlier, but that probably came from her own parents. Both her parents had curly hair. And the eyes... they were incredibly bold in their aqua hue. And the soft angle of his face...

There was no doubt in her mind. That was her son.

She felt almost numb, staring at him so blankly. The entire situation felt so surreal, she had trouble accepting it as reality.

"This... this is so unbelievable," Alexis commented, taking a seat at the nearest chair.

"If you don't believe it, you can always do a quick DNA scan," Regina offered.

"That... won't be necessary," Jason said, his hand resting on his chin, "We believe you."

There was a stony silence that followed. The Starlights were quick to regroup, and they watched the Terran Rangers' reaction carefully. For the most part, everyone was stunned. Billy seemed to be functioning well, but something on the computer screen had apparently grasped his attention.

Rebecca found she was quite interested in whatever it was that Billy was examining.

"What did you find out, Dad?" she asked, walking toward him. Once she had realized the word she uttered, her eyes widened in surprise.

Even nearly thirty years in the past, Billy Mitchell was still so mature it was easy to refer to him as her father.

"Call me Billy," he said, smiling amusedly at the Pink Ranger's mistake, "I think 'Dad' sounds slightly awkward."

He then slid his chair slightly, allowing Rebecca to squeeze beside him. Her eyes widened as she noticed the image on the screen.

It was a close-up image of David Trueheart.

"Where did you get that?" she asked.

"I told you, the computers were scanning the entire area after I had located Goldar. I managed to expand one of the images of the people we're searching for. Who is this?"

Rebecca met eyes with her father. "That's David Trueheart. Tommy's brother."

"Amazing," he said, tapping his chin. He then glanced at the other Rangers, who were still overcome by the surprise of meeting their offspring.

"We'd better tell them," Billy decided, "And the Green Ranger...?"

"I'll take care of it," Rebecca stated, rejoining her teammates. She sighed deeply, nervously toying with a strand of her rich dark hair.

"What's going on?" Brittany inquired, noting Rebecca's slightly troubled expression. It took a lot to make the reserved girl display discomfort.

"We'd better tie up the loose ends to our mission," she whispered, gesturing in Tommy's direction. From their vantage point, the Starlight Rangers noticed Tommy and Kimberly deeply involved in a conversation. "He needs to know about Micah, but more importantly... about David."

"Achem," Anthony sounded, gaining the fluttering attention of the perturbed Terran Rangers, "The four of us kind of figured we should clear the air entirely, while we're at it. So Tommy, there's something you should know."

The leader of the Terran Rangers kept his gaze even as he awaited the revelation he tried to prepare himself for. Something told him it probably had something to do with the arrowhead half, that the Starlight Rangers were clearly searching for.

"Where do I begin?" Anthony whispered to himself, scratching his scalp in a nervous reaction Kimberly recognized as belonging to her. "Uh, I guess we should start with the Green Starlight Ranger."

"What about him?" Kimberly asked, stepping forward. Considering the fact that Anthony was mostly addressing Tommy, she could discern the gist of the surprise he was about to reveal. Still, there was another side to the equation that Kim couldn't help but feel extremely interested in.

"He's my son," Tommy decided, nodding his head slowly, "It only makes sense, doesn't it?"

Anthony nodded. "Yours... and Katherine's."

Until this revelation, the Blue Terran Ranger was too engulfed in the swirling world of her own emotions to pay much attention to the rest of the story. The parentage of Brittany Lee was more than enough to keep her attention occupied. However, at the mention of her name, Katherine lifted her head sharply, her crystal blue eyes wide with astonishment.

"Me?" she reacted, her arms falling to her sides, "Me? And... Tommy?"

At the row of nods that answered her question, Katherine's gaze returned to the floor. A frown of confusion crossed her brow, and she bit her lip as a river of possibilities entered her mind.

It wasn't that hard to believe that she and Tommy would have married in some alternate timeline. It couldn't be denied that she felt quite strongly about him earlier in her career as a Power Ranger. Especially if Jason had married that Emily person, and Kimberly had married Trevor Monroe... it only made sense.

But, was that how it happened? Or, did she have something to do with Kimberly and Tommy's break-up? How did Jason factor into all this? Brittany had expected that he already knew his future wife. Did that mean she was already in Angel Grove, ready to walk into his life?

The possibilities were pounding on her mind, giving her a rather sharp headache.

"But that's not all," Tommy said grimly, letting go of Kimberly and slowly approaching the assembled Starlight Rangers, "If that's all you had to say, it wouldn't have merited this kind of attention. Especially since you've already revealed the rest of your identities. There's something else... something I should know."

He paused, glancing at the two arrowhead pendants that hung from his neck, swaying against the vibrant gold of his shield.

"...something, about the arrowhead."

Rebecca couldn't help but smile slightly. The Tom Oliver she was familiar with was certainly quite insightful. He could usually tell when someone was hiding something, or holding it back. True, he had a hard time noticing some obvious cues, particularly about romantic interest in him, but in general he was quite good at perceiving dread or discomfort.

Sometimes, she wondered if he were on the verge, as it were. If he had some special perceptive power like her empathic insight.

"You're right, of course," she said, in her smooth, breeze-like voice, "The other person Goldar kidnapped... the one who owns the second half of the arrowhead, is David Trueheart. He's your brother."

Tommy's eyes widened, and he froze completely. His lips parted slightly, and then his eyes fell from the Starlights, and passed around randomly, blinking quickly.

"I... I have a brother?" he whispered, once he recovered his voice.

"We have an image of him," Billy said quietly, typing a few buttons into his computer. Then, the large screen of the main viewer blinked to life, with a large still of a young man. His coloring matched Tommy's perfectly, with rich bronze skin, thick dark brown hair, and fathomless dark eyes. With the small exception of a more rugged facial structure, he almost looked exactly like Tommy.

"My God..." Kimberly gasped, her hand unconsciously rising to her lips, "The resemblance is uncanny."

Tommy's hand once again rose to the pendants hanging from his neck. He pulled the leather chords over head, and gazed at the matching stone arrowhead halves as they spun from the chords.

"We have to find them," he said sternly, his eyes still fixated on the arrowhead halves, "Tanya, Rocky, Adam... did you pick up anything?"

"Oh," Tanya uttered, snapping out of her pensive daze to glance again at the results of the various scans, "We're only receiving scattered images heavy in static. It's almost as if the scanners were jammed somehow."

Billy frowned deeply, walking towards the computer terminal the three assistants were working on. "That's strange," he muttered, "Goldar doesn't have the ability to scramble the CAC's scanners. Maybe if we were trying to scan the Moon or something, but not Earth... so close to the CAC..."

"Maybe it wasn't Goldar after all?" Alexis suggested.

"No, it was definitely Goldar," Rocky interjected, "Or at least, he was present. The scrambled images do show a rather jumbled furry guy in gold armor, so it's definitely Goldie."

Tommy's lips pressed into a tight line, and he slipped the leather chord back around the neck. "So, Goldar has a few new tricks up his sleeve?"

"That's what it looks like," Adam said.

"Then we'll one-up him," Kimberly said firmly, her gazed fixed on Tommy and his distant expression, "We always do."

* * *

"This was not part of the plan," Micah grumbled, his knuckles whitening as his grip clenched tighter on two of the bars that comprised a small cage. He was as wary as a fox, his gaze darting at every moving shadow in the fire-lit, stony chamber he found himself trapped in. With the exception of the iron cage in the corner of the room, and the three large torches that flickered an amber blaze in the other three corners, there was nothing else in the room.

Still, he was almost certain he wasn't in the Moon Palace, nor any Dark Dimension. It seemed too plain for that.

"Damn," he muttered under his breath, dropping his hands from the bars and falling back upon the cold stone floor. He gathered his legs to his chest, and wrapped his arms around them, rocking slowly.

That was certainly an understatement. The past hour had been passed sitting in the dark with his uncle. Of course, since David was so entirely confused by everything, he first demanded to be informed about the situation. But Micah was cautious to say too much for fear that their captor might be able to hear them, even if he was unseen. So Micah advised they should be relatively quiet, in an effort to prevent Goldar from learning anything about them that could be advantageous to him.

Goldar. It amazed the young Green Ranger how completely and utterly unprepared he was for their encounter. From his father's stories, Goldar had seemed to be a relative pushover. As the White and Red Rangers, Tommy had managed to face Goldar on dozens of occasions, and more often than not he sent the canine alien running. Micah mistook his father's ease at defeating Goldar for weakness on the latter's part. No, Goldar certainly wasn't weak. He was a seasoned and accomplished warrior, fully prepared to take advantage of the impetuousness Micah blatantly displayed at their confrontation.

His defeat was quite costly. If he had been a more rational Power Ranger, he would have insured his uncle was safe. He could have summoned aid, especially since he knew all the Starlight Rangers had teleported to the location.

In short, he messed up royally. He underestimated his opponent- something his father always stressed to be careful of- and now he hand landed both himself and his uncle in perilous danger.

Thanks to a sheer turn of luck, David had dropped the arrowhead. At least that stopped Goldar from getting his furry blue paws on it, and hopefully the Starlights could retrieve it. Still, his blunder had surely crippled the mission. Now, the Starlights had to rescue them.

Could things get any worse?

Micah regretted pondering that question when the loud sound of metal clanging against stone ripped through the silence. He looked up, meeting the naked fear present in the eyes of his uncle, who sat across from him in the opposite corner of the cell.

It was pretty obvious who was making an approach, and Micah was quick to rise to his feet. He met Goldar's blood red gaze with an even, almost impetuous glare.

The ancient warrior cackled at the boy's display of courage. He then walked to the other side of the cage, and in one quick motion, he reached between the heavy bars, and grabbed the unwitting David by the collar of his shirt.

Micah shivered with horror as he saw the monster pull his uncle just inches away from his sharp fangs.

"So," growled Goldar, his stare penetrating David like a knife, "who are you? And what connection do you have to Tommy Oliver?"

"Who?" asked David weakly in honest confusion. Goldar's beady eyes narrowed.

"Don't play games, Human! You look just like him, and you had the second half of the arrowhead! Now start talking, for your own sake."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," David said, his voice slightly more steady and sure, "I don't know anyone named Tommy, and all I know is that the arrowhead is supposed to lead me to my destiny. I don't know what kind of powers it has. It was given to me by my father."

"Fine," said Goldar, reaching his other wide arm between the bars at blinding speed and grabbing David's neck tightly. The young man grimaced as he felt his throat constrict. "If you don't want to spill the information, then I'll spill your blood..."

"Leave him alone, Goldar!" Micah snapped angrily, instinctively jumping onto Goldar's arms in an effort to release his iron grip, "Even you should be able to see he doesn't know what's going on!"

Goldar was silent for a moment, regarding the flea of a human with interest. "Perhaps you're right," he said finally, dropping David. David collapsed heavily, rasping for breath and tenderly rubbing his bruised neck. "Perhaps I'm interrogating the wrong person."

Suddenly, a fierce chill swept through the chamber, instantly dowsing the three bright torches as if a winter wind passed through. Both Micah and David were startled by the sudden darkness that made it almost impossible to make out any forms within the cavern. Goldar stepped back from the cage slowly, being cautious not to stumble in the darkness.

"Lord?" Goldar asked weakly. Micah was astonished to hear the tone of Goldar's voice had changed so greatly. Only moments ago, he was fierce and confident. How, he sounded like he was trembling.

Who could instill such fear into a warrior like Goldar? From his parents various stories, it was clear neither Rita nor Zedd was capable of such a powerful dictatorship over Goldar's person.

"Where is the arrowhead?" a smooth voice answered. Whoever the speaker was, his voice was the very measure of calm. And his tone spoke of a quiet power, as if he didn't need to raise his voice to inspire fear.

Micah felt the cold of the room, and the cold contained in the speaker's voice. Whoever it was, he was certain it wasn't Lord Zedd.

"I... I don't know," Goldar stuttered in response, "Neither of them have it..."

Goldar's fearful admission was answered by a stony silence. Micah could have sworn he heard the clamoring of Goldar's metallic armor.

Goldar shaking with fright? That was an image Micah wished he were able to see. But all he could make out were two shadowy forms several yards away, in the dark distance.

"I simply wanted the arrowhead," the voice stated, "and instead you bring me to utterly useless individuals. You're not making a good impression, Goldar. Your service to me is entirely contingent on you completing your mission successfully."

"Wh... what should I do, oh Lord?" Goldar inquired.

"Make some use of these captives. Use this, and get whatever information you can from them: about the Crystal, the arrowhead, and these mysterious foreign Power Rangers. And anything else they are 'willing' to divulge."

There were the sounds of steps echoing in the chamber, growing dimmer as the individual moved further away. "Do not fail me."

Suddenly, as instantly as they were doused, the three torches sprang to life, blanketing the dank chamber with pulsing, radiant heat and light.

Micah saw Goldar, paused on one knee, looking around the room in confusion. He gasped when he saw what the strange Lord had given him.

A tethered whip. The black leather hung from the creature's large claw, swaying slightly in the breeze.

And impossibly, two leather chords hung from the low ceiling, and two more sprouted from the floor directly beneath. Micah was certain they weren't there earlier.

Goldar turned to the young Ranger, and grinned coldly.

"I'm sure you can see where this is going, Boy," he said, rising to his feet. Micah stepped back automatically as Goldar reached the cage, and unlocked the door.

"!" David uttered weakly, his voice hoarse from the damage done to his throat. He tried to get up, and offered whatever protest he could as Goldar grabbed the boy as easily as a doll. The large warrior pushed David back, knocking the teenager against the back wall of the cell, and dragged the Green Ranger, who was struggling with all his might, to the leather chords.

"Hang around for awhile," Goldar quipped, tightly knotting the hanging chords onto Micah's wrists. He then returned to the cell, and locked the door to insure the stunned captive didn't escape. Once that was done, he returned his attention to Micah, and forced the boy's squirming legs into the two leather straps meant to hold his ankles.

"Now here's the game we're going to play," Goldar uttered, a smug grin on his feral face as he hung the leather chord over his shoulder, "I'm going to ask you a question. If you answer it correctly, you won't get lashed. If you answer incorrectly, you get lashed. Understand?"

"You don't scare me, Goldar!" Micah declared defiantly. The creature's sinister smile only deepened.

"Don't forget, my strength easily eclipses that of any human being," Goldar pointed out, holding the whip between both hands, "You'd do best to keep that in mind."

Goldar began circling the helpless boy like a predator. He stopped behind the boy, and gave him a little push to make him swing.

"Okay, question one: what's your name?"

"Go to hell."

"Well, it looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way," Goldar sighed with false disappointment. Glee flashed in his marble eyes as he drew the whip over his shoulder, and sent it flying through the air. The whip slashed into Micah's back, ripping through the cotton material of his shirt, and drawing blood. The boy clenched his teeth, and tears sprang to his dark eyes, instantly overflowing the space and pouring down his flushed cheeks.

"That was only one lash," Goldar reminded him, "and I wasn't even putting any effort into it. I will continue to whip you, until your tongue loosens."

Micah didn't respond. He was too terrified and shocked to say anything. The searing pain in his back was like nothing he'd ever experienced before, and he didn't know how to react. He knew that he couldn't stand much more of this pain, but he also knew he couldn't betray the other Power Rangers.

Goldar waited for a few seconds, but Micah made no reply. "Fine," he muttered, "I'm going to enjoy this. It's been a while since I've tortured someone. I wonder how long a human boy can last."

The monster once again pulled back his whip, and let it cut through the air, and deep into Micah's skin. This time, a pained scream escaped Micah's lips, and hot tears poured down his burning cheeks in rivers of tangible agony. David, who had tried to look away from the horrid display, now leapt to his feet, and grabbed the bars.

"Leave him alone!" David roared, "He's just a kid!"

"Don't feel too badly for the boy," Goldar commented, pausing his deed to cast a powerful gaze at the human, "You're next."

* * *

"Well," said Tommy, "did you find any trace of David and Micah?"

"Negative," Billy answered, "Whatever cloaking spell Goldar utilized when he kidnapped Micah and David, it was quite effective. He disappeared from our scanners after he vanished from Rebecca, and when he reappeared, his presence didn't set off any alarms that usually sound when an identified evil presence is detected. Also, he managed to disrupt the regular video scan I had implemented since the fight erupted, so we weren't alerted to his presence in time to send out help. I must admit, Goldar was quite clever this time."

"Or whoever send him," Rocky uttered, his arms folded tightly. Kimberly blinked, and gazed at the former Red Ranger for a moment.

"What are you suggesting, Rocky?"

"I don't know," he sighed, "It's just... if Zedd and Rita could've created this kind of cloak before, why didn't they? You know what kind of advantage they'd have?"

"True," Katherine interjected.

"And it's true that things have been pretty weird lately," Jason continued, "Zedd didn't even bother to try to make those Dreadkin monsters grow. He sent down five creatures to deal with at once! Surely if he made them grow, we'd be really hard pressed to keep them under control."

While the Terran Rangers continued their reasoning regarding Lord Zedd and Rita's bizarre tactics of late, the Starlight Rangers listened in with interest. It was quite a sight watching their famous parents engage in one of the "idea pools" Will Mitchell had sometimes mentioned. And considering that these Rangers were in fact no older than the Starlight team, it was quite sobering to see how much maturing they'd have to do before they could serve in their station to the fullest.

But while Brittany, Anthony, and Regina were enraptured by the discussion, Rebecca's thoughts were elsewhere. She had set her rose helmet to the side, and sat upon the floor cross-legged. Her dark eyes were gently shut, and her hands rested on her elbows, on top of which she propped her head.

While the Terran Rangers' computers were busy conducting various energy scans, Rebecca had opted for another approach.

She decided to scan for neural energy patterns that were familiar to her.

It was surely broad in scope, but hopefully by signaling out only familiar thought patterns, she would resign her search to only locate the very few people in this dimension who would be familiar to her. Fortunately, an individual's thought patterns do change slightly over time, so the Terran Rangers' minds didn't really register as very familiar. Only passingly so.

Of course, she wasn't a strong enough telepath, or empath, for that matter, to do a very cohesive scan. She certainly couldn't extend her search to the moon, which was the most likely location of their missing comrades. But something in the back of her mind tickled her consciousness. As if she could just about sense Micah's thoughts. Or at least, his feelings.

That's why she decided to focus her entire attention to the search. There is always the possibility that, whoever the captor may be, he or she wouldn't know about the Pink Starlight Ranger's empathic powers. Perhaps there wasn't some kind of psionic shield constructed, preventing her broadening mind's eye from entering.

It wasn't likely... but it was certainly worth a try.

She extended her scan, which was formatted in concentric circles spreading from her very location, to the next ring of distance. That's when it hit her.

"Ah!" she cried suddenly, her muscles contracting instinctively. Her concentration quickly evaporated, and the stunned girl collapsed onto the floor.

Her cry of distress quickly brought the entire assembly of Rangers to her side.

"What happened, Beck?" Brittany asked, gently helping the Pink Ranger sit up.

Rebecca moaned slightly, her hand trailing to her stomach. To her surprise, tears had sprung to her eyes as a response to the sharp pain she had empathically experienced.

"Oh God," she whispered, shuddering slightly. Her lip trembled as the realization struck her.

Regina's dark gaze was entirely focused on Rebecca's facial expression. She had an inkling as to what the Pink Ranger had occupied her time doing, but she needed confirmation.

"Did you find Micah empathically, Rebecca?" she asked.

Rebecca nodded, still stunned. "I... I was scanning the area in concentric circles, and as soon as I broadened my scan one notch, I felt this... intense pain across my stomach."

She absently traced a line on her stomach, moving vertically across her body.

Anthony's bright eyes widened. "What does that mean? What's happening to Micah?"

"I... I don't know. I'm primarily an empath, so I sensed his pain more so than his thoughts. All I registered was this intense pain, before my concentration broke. I was startled..."

"It's all right, Rebecca," Billy said quietly, moving through the dense group and taking Rebecca's trembling hand, "You've found Micah, and it's safe to assume that David is nearby. I can take it from here."

Billy led the girl towards the main computer terminal, where he urged her to take a seat. He then leaned over her, and pressed several keys on the pad. In a flash of light, an aerial map of the area appeared on the gargantuan screen.

"Okay," Billy said, lying his hand on the distraught Ranger's shoulder to help calm her, "you said you were searching in concentric circles. Was this the central point?"

Rebecca nodded.

"Terrific," Billy uttered, pressing another key. A red dot appeared atop a cliff, which indicated their present location.

"Can you tell me about how large each circle was? I'm sure you used a systematic approach to your empathic scan."

Rebecca nodded. "It's the best way to regulate the scan," she said quietly, her shoulder's slumped slightly, "Each circle was about a quarter mile wide."

Billy nodded, typing in new commands. A dartboard design of red light appeared on the screen, expanding out from the CAC.

"And finally, which circle were you in when you registered that pain?"

"The fourth."

After one more command, the majority of the red rings vanished. Only two remained, creating a boundary around the designated area.

"Then we start searching this territory," Billy decided, "On foot."

"On foot?" Aisha objected, "That could take forever!"

"Obviously our computer scans aren't picking up anything," Billy pointed out, "or else we would have found them already. Only the empathic scan seems to be able to penetrate whatever field is surrounding the captives, and it's quite dangerous for Rebecca to keep trying to pinpoint them. She has to endure whatever torture Goldar is subjecting Micah to."

Everyone was silent in reaction to Billy's words. But there was no other way to describe it. Clearly, the sharp pain Micah had experienced was no accident. He was already Goldar's prisoner. It was a horrifying thought, but it made the most sense.

"That's so despicable," Katherine muttered, scowling in disgust, "Torturing a kid?"

She couldn't help it, but something deep inside her reacted to that revelation quite strongly. Even more strongly than if the victim had been any other child. She considered it some form of maternal instinct.

It discomforted her tremendously.

"Okay," Tanya stated, quickly counting the assembled Rangers, "We have four Terran Rangers, two X-Rangers, one Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, and four Starlight Rangers. That makes eleven." She frowned slightly. "That number's uneven, and I don't think it's a good idea to have someone go alone..."

"I think you guys can break up into five teams of two to comb the area," Rocky contributed, "One Ranger can remain here, just in case Goldar has something planned for us. And if one group runs into trouble, that Ranger can be quick to back them up."

"I'll stay," offered Alexis quietly. In truth, she felt very awkward, given the situation. The Starlight Rangers seemed pretty impressive, quite possibly on par with the Terran Rangers. She saw them in battle, with their intelligent weapons and very impressive attacks.

Just one more reason to feel inadequate.

"Then we'll break up in this manner," said Billy, looking at the Rangers, "Kim, you're with Anthony. Tommy, you go with Rebecca. Adam, you're with Brittany. Zack, you go with Regina. Katherine, you're with Jason."

"Right," all ten teens said. Jason, Tommy, Zack, and the Starlight Rangers quickly strapped on their discarded helmets, while the three other Rangers grouped together to the side.

"It's Morphin Time!" Kimberly ordered, holding her arms in an X formation, "X-Ranger Two!"

"TERRA WATER POWER!" shouted Katherine.

"TERRA WIND POWER!" yelled Adam.

All three Rangers were swallowed into a pulsing display of raw energy, sweeping through the relatively dim Central Access Complex and forcing the onlookers to avert their eyes. Once the light dimmed, the Blue, Green, and Gold Rangers were standing in the center of the energy display, prepared for action.

While the sight of the Green and Blue Rangers wasn't anything spectacular to the Starlight Rangers, they were awestruck to see such a foreign costume on who was supposed to be the Yellow Terran Ranger.

"Mom did mention something about you being a Gold Ranger," Anthony said quietly, stepping beside Kimberly and examining her uniform with interest, "What are your powers again?"

"Telepathy, basically," she answered, "Zack and I are X-Rangers in this dimension."

"What on Earth could've caused that change?" Regina asked curiously.

"A story for another time," Tommy stated, migrating to Rebecca's side, "Let's break into our units."

The ten Rangers separated into the five designated teams, and stood slightly separate from the others. Billy took another glance at the map screen, and pressed another button. Five lights appeared within the search area, each equidistant from the other points.

"Tanya," Billy said, "can you teleport each team to one of these spots? I'm sending the coordinates into the teleporter relay."

"You got it," Tanya answered, moving to the relay. She registered the date transferred, and typed in the command. In ten stripes of powerful energy, the heroes vanished.

Once the Rangers were gone, the remaining teens waited in silence for a moment.

Slightly downhearted, Alexis hopped onto a console, and swung her legs in the air. "So, what do the rest of us do?"

"Well, there are five of us," Billy pointed out, "So each of us will monitor one of the teams, and keep in touch with the handheld communicators. I'll use my desktop, while Rocky uses the Viewing Globe and Alexis uses the main viewscreen. Tanya, do you know how to use the monitor on the teleporter relay?"

"Piece of cake," she responded.

"Keep your eyes peeled for any irregular magical activity," Billy warned, taking a seat at his desk, "Who knows what the Moon forces have in store."

* * *

"It failed," Umbriel stated, his voice deep and low like a rumbling earthquake.

"What failed?" Rito asked, his hand falling upon his large ax immediately, "Can I fix it?"

"No," Umbriel said, leaning back in his throne. He rested his elbows on the armrest, and tapped his fingers together. "You cannot."

Instantly, strings of glowing data poured across the plane of space in front of Umbriel, as if there were some sort of screen present. His empty eyes were focused on the information, reading it at an incredible speed. He then nodded his chin, and the data vanished, only to be replaced by it's source: a small black pearl, hovering in the air.

"None of these data spheres had collected enough energy from the Starlight Rangers to determine whether they are of importance," Umbriel revealed, turning his glance away from the pearl. It fell to the heavy stone floor, shattering into glittery dust.

"That's impossible!" Rito stated in shock, "The Viper Putties put up a decent fight against these new Rangers."

"True," Umbriel conceded, "but it is not just that. The energy signature of these Starlight Rangers is very complex. I do detect M'Kraan energies, but not quite in a degree that would indicate that they too were powered by the Zeo Crystal."

Rito's calcium brow wrinkled. "Could two Power Ranger teams possibly gain power from the Zeo Crystal?"

"I have been gone a long time," Umbriel stated, folding his narrow fingers, "It is impossible for me to determine what Zordon has been able to do with the M'Kraan energies. I do not see why it is not possible for him to have divided the Zeo Crystal into eleven shards, tuning the Terran Rangers into elemental powers while selecting the raw energy of the stars for these new Rangers."

Umbriel's narrow lips pursed even more closely together, and he rose from his elevated throne. "Go to Finster's laboratory, and inform him I shall need more Viper Putties, equipped with data spheres. I am not planning on counting on Goldar to provide me with the needed information."

Rito bowed deeply before he marched out of the transformed throne room. Umbriel then walked down the steps to his platform, his heavy black robe trailing behind him as he made his way to the balcony.

"Now, it is only a matter of time," he said, a cold smirk pulling one side of his mouth as he gazed down at the blue jewel. His empty eyes flashed with a shimmer of gray energy. "And time is something of which I have an unlimited supply."

