Legal Disclaimer: Saban owns the Rangers. Disney owns the song. I own nothing except the Sonata series this is the second part of. Sonatas has become a Kim-based songfic trilogy, but this does not take place in the same universe as 'Reflection'.

by Kali

Three items lay before her. Each represented something to her, someplace she could go, somewhere she could be. Each a potential home for her. One for Paris, France. One for where she was, Tallahassee, Florida. And one for Angel Grove, California. For Paris, a letter from her mother and stepfather. For Florida, the gold medal she'd been given three days earlier at the Pan-Globals. For Angel Grove, the pink-banded communicator that she had never removed from her wrist until the day she came here.

One of those places was where she was going to go. She had never considered going anywhere else. But Kim Hart, former Pink Ranger, gold medalist, and very confused young woman, had no idea on where she wanted to go. Of which of these places would win out over the others in her heart. She didn't know, and she could find nothing that would give her any sort of answer whatsoever.

She had thought every now and then that she had cut off her ties to Angel Grove with the letter she had sent Tommy. But when Jason had come to visit her after he had managed to give the Gold Ranger powers back to Trey, she had realized they hadn't cut her off. She had cut herself off from then. She had followed her dream, and let it blind her to what was really important in life. Friends, family, love.

I don't want Tommy back. She and Tommy had made their peace during her visit back to Angel Grove and all that had happened with that and Divatox, Murianthus, and the rest. The love that had blossomed between Kat and her ex-boyfriend had been very rich and very touching, and she had been happy for them. The only thing that had marred her joy had been that she herself was alone. The young man of whom she had spoken in her letter had moved away from Florida almost a month after she had sent it; his mother had died in a car wreck and he had had to abandon gymnastics in favor of a job to help his younger brothers and sisters. He and Kim had been forced to break up. It had taken her far less time than she had thought to get over him.

But now she had a decision to make. Now she had to choose just where she wanted to spend the rest of her life.


The decision hadn't been that hard to make, really. There was only ever one place that she'd felt she belonged. France was for her mother, for the family that she no longer felt as if she were a part of. Florida's meaning in her life was gone now, vanished with the victory she had won.

Angel Grove. With a sigh she caressed her communicator and almost touched one of the buttons. I could get home so fast now...if this even still works. She put her wrist down. Nope, I have to be nice and leave the regular way. No need to scare anyone.

Quietly she glanced around the plane. Everyone there seemed involved in their own pursuits; no one was paying her the slightest attention. Okay, so there goes all the glamor of being a Pan Global gold medal winner. I think I can handle this. She smiled briefly to herself.

The plane had made a brief stop in Texas to pick up some extra passengers. Kim hadn't bothered to get up since they wouldn't be there long, and she really didn't want to go to all the trouble of squirming back into her seat after getting out of it. That was the one problem of having a window seat; you had to go over all the rest of the chairs in your line to get to the aisle. So Kim had simply opted to remain where she was, reading the novel that she'd brought along with her.

That was why the voice she heard startled her almost out of her skin. "Mind if I sit down?"

She whirled as much as the narrow seat would let her, staring up at the tall young man who had appeared next to her. "Rocky!?"


Rocky had been surprised to find Kim sitting on the plane he was taking back to Angel Grove, but at the same time, he was glad. This was the first time he'd gotten a chance to talk to her since she had broken up with Tommy, and that was something he really wanted to do. He had harbored a secret in his heart from the moment he had first seen her, all those years ago. Perhaps now..he would have a chance to say something about it.

Slowly he folded himself into his seat and started to get caught up on old times with her. She was going home from the Pan-Globals; he was going home from therapy for his back. Both of them were ex-Rangers, somewhat at loose ends now that they had no powers. Rocky was in love with her, and she was single.

Not that she knew he was in love with her, of course. He'd only wanted to ask her out from the moment he laid eyes on her. But she had been involved with Tommy at the time, and while Rocky was no rocket scientist, he knew better than to go after a girl who was already taken. So he'd lived in "silence beautiful", and eventually tried dating other girls. Like you ever expected that to work out.

Once Kim had left, it had been easier on him to date. She wasn't there in all her glory, distracting him in every way. He'd hoped to be able to forget about her. That hadn't happened. Every time Tommy got a letter from her in Florida, Rocky had hung on every word, hoping for some hint that she was somehow magically available for him. That had never happened: until the breakup. Then his world had come crashing down all over again. She had left Tommy, not for him...but for someone else entirely. She was lost to him forever.

Or so he had thought. Until now.


"We're almost home," Kim peered through the window and sighed. "It's really going to be strange being back there. I miss everyone so much."

Rocky nodded. "I know what you mean. It's been about three months since I saw them. I have no idea what they've been doing." He shivered a little at the thought of why he'd left. Right in the middle of one of his lessons at his dojo, he'd had experienced a sharp stabbing pain in his back, and had collapsed. He'd spent the next two days in the hospital, and finally had been transferred to a special clinic in Texas for intense therapy.

"How are you feeling?" there was genuine concern in her voice, and Kim actually felt a little startled at it. Not because she'd never cared about Rocky, but because a small voice in the back of her mind was saying It's the most important thing in the world if he's all right. If he's all right, everything else will be all right. Being the sensible girl she was, Kim was doing her best to avoid listening to that voice.

It wasn't working.

He shrugged. "I feel as good as I ever have. I was even able to get back some of the strength I lost from the original injury." He smiled. "And I'm entered in a national karate tournament next month."

"Congratulations!" Kim knew how much his tournaments meant to him; almost as much as Tommy's did. She felt herself drawing no parallels between the two however. Rocky looked cool, calm, and relaxed as he sat, dressed in gray pants and a deep sapphire-blue sweater. The smile on his face hadn't changed a bit, except for having a touch more maturity to it, and she found herself wondering what it would be like to wake up to that smile. Grow up, Hart, he's probably got a girl. Maybe I should ask...what's the worst that could happen? Trying not to sound as interested as she was finding herself to be, as against all the odds as that was, she asked, "So, any special girls in your life now, since you've..." she let her voice trail off, her fingers brushing by the communicator on her wrist.

Rocky shook his head. "Nope. The last girl I dated wound up dumping me because of that." Okay, that sounded all right. And she's interested in my romantic life. Because she wants in it or because she's just curious? I wish I could read minds! No, I don't...I don't think I'd like what I'd hear.

Now, there are points in any human being's life when quite frequently their mouths will utter words without pausing to ask directions of the brain. In most cases, this results in complete embarrassment of the speaker, and in your average case, the speaker refuses to utter a word for at least five to ten hours afterward. Hiding in cellars during this time period is not uncommon.

In the case of Rocky DeSantos, he had turned this unexpected blurting out of things into an art form when he had lived in Stone Canyon. He had managed to get it under control by the time he became a Power Ranger, but as he sat next to the young woman he loved more than he loved his own life, he was dismayed to suddenly hear words coming from his mouth that he had never really intended to speak.

"I love you, Kim."


Kim Hart was an intelligent, thoughtful young woman. She had experienced love many times in her life, and was fairly convinced she knew what sort of guy she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

Every plan she'd ever had turned itself all helter skelter when those words fell onto her ears. The world she had thought she knew ceased to be, and a brand new one set itself up in it's place. Everything was perfectly clear now, as she turned to gaze into eyes she had been seeking all the days of her life.

Rocky wanted to unsay the words, to pull them back and have things be as they had been before. He opened his mouth to take them back, when Kim, as if she could read his mind, laid a finger on his lips. "Do you really mean that, Rocky? And please don't lie to me."

He sighed as she moved her finger. "Yeah, Kim. I do mean it. I've been in love with you for years, ever since we first met. When I found out you were dating Tommy, I cried myself to sleep that night." He blushed a little; it wasn't exactly "masculine" to cry. He didn't care, though. "But I do love you."

Kim smiled sweetly, then slowly leaned over to place a kiss on his lips. Every doubt he'd ever had swept away in a wild wash of love, and he wrapped his arms around her. "I love you, Rocky," he heard vaguely as she moved back just enough to speak. "I love you."

Both of them smiled at each other, then Rocky's smile became a grin as music began to be audible from a radio playing on the plane. The song just appeared to fit so well, on so many levels, for both of them.

Home is where the heart is
Wherever you may be
There'll always be a home for you
Here inside of me

Home is where the heart is
And whatever we may do
There'll always be a part of me
Here inside of you

Four walls may surround you
And protect you from a storm
But my two arms around you
Will keep you safe and warm

If ever I'm not with you
If ever you're alone
Remember where my heart is
And you'll always have a home

Four walls may surround you
And protect you from a storm
But my two arms around you
Will keep you safe and warm

Home is where the heart is
Wherever you may be
There'll always be a home for you
Here inside of me

Home is where the heart is
Here my heart's at home
And you'll never be alone
And you'll never be alone
Remember where my heart is
And you'll always have a home

"As long as I'm with you, I'm home," Kim murmured, closing her eyes and feeling a deep, rich, sense of peace.

Rocky hugged her. "Ditto, Kim. Ditto."

The two of them nestled in one another's arms as best they could as the plane began to taxi into the runway of Angel Grove Airport. Neither of them minded the bumps or anything else. They were where they belonged: with each other.

They were home.


