From the Ashes, Reborn
Part Four
by Don Berry

"Why is it everywhere we go, it's always `kill the Rangers'? Can't we all just get along?"

"Rocky, shut up and morph!" Aisha yelled.

"All right, all right. NINJA POWER!" Rocky then was garbed in the same ninja costume that the others were wearing, except his was red.

Tommy looked to his team. "Adam, do that growing trick and start clearing the Shadows away from Spectrum Force. Aisha, Billy you work your over to Spectrum Force and help them out. Kat, you go with them. Rocky, you're with me. Let's work them over. Remember, they're tougher than putties but they can be beaten. Let's do it."

The Ninja Rangers then broke into their teams and did as they had been ordered.

Aisha, Billy and Kat were the first ones to reach their objective. They had used the heads of the Shadows as stepping stones and had ran so fast the Shadows had no time to react. The jumped the last few feet and were inside the line held by Spectrum Force and their allies.

Billy blocked the first three attacks of a young woman who was wearing a dark-blue and yellow jumpsuit. But then she slipped his next block, kicked him in the head, punched him in the stomach and then swept him so he landed on his back. She was ready to attack again when a familiar voice rang out. "Kitty, don't. He's on our side. It's the other one you have to worry about. Not him."

"Rocky? Aren't you supposed to be over with Tommy?" Billy weakly asked from the ground.

Rocky stepped into Billy's line of sight. "Probably. But I'm not that Rocky. I'll explain everything later. Right now, we need to worry about the Shadows."

"You're right. Aisha, back up Rachel. Kat, help out the one in red. His name's Keith. He'll probably call you Kim. All right, let's go." Billy said. He then quickly got back to his feet.


Adam Park was not a violent person by nature. He just had a talent for it. He took no enjoyment out of growing to over fifty feet tall and stomping Shadows but he did it anyway. It needed to be done.

None of the Shadows he had faced had ever been able to grow like the monsters he was used to facing. He understood that that was possibly an unfair advantage but what could he do? It wasn't his fault none of them knew the tricks of the ninja.

He wasn't prepared then for when he was tapped on the shoulder. When he turned, he noticed that Billy was standing behind him. "Billy, aren't you supposed to be by the others?"

"Not quite. Oh, by the way... I'm not your friend." Billy then hit him in the solar plexus. While Adam was bent over, he picked him up and threw towards where Spectrum Force and Excalibur were.

Adam hit the area where they were with a resounding crash.


Tommy and Rocky turned to see Adam fly through the air and land where their friends were. They were both stunned by the fact that their friends were more than likely dead now. They were even more stunned over who had thrown Adam. Billy.


Underneath Adam Park, Craig Gillis called forth a light to illuminate the area the members of Spectrum Force and Excalibur were. Colossus was standing in the classic Atlas pose. But instead of holding up the world, he was holding up Adam. He just felt like he was holding up the world. Rachel Castaneda looked over to Piotr Rasputin. "Just how strong are you?"

"Strong enough, apparently. Can someone ask him to grow to a more manageable size. He is getting heavy." Colossus told her.

"Wait. Piotr, if you get him moving I can send him towards Billy." At the Ninja Rangers confusion, Rachel Summers added. "The Billy that is part of our team has been either turned or possessed by the Denebians. He shouldn't be thought of as a friend."

The Phoenix then turned her attention back to Piotr. "Throw him where I tell you to. You ready?"

"Da , but do it soon." Piotr started to perform the necessary motions to move the Black Ninja Ranger from over his friends.

"Throw.... now!" The Phoenix said. She then concentrated on sending Adam flying towards Billy.

Adam had recovered enough not to question his good fortune in finding himself flying towards the one who had hit him. He flipped through the air and then aimed a kick at Billy's head. He was shocked when Billy blocked his kick. And then Billy returned a blow which Adam barely blocked.

"I'm a little better than you remember, Adam. Care to find out how good?" Billy asked.

"Yeah. What happened to you, Billy?" Adam said.

"Nothing much. My name's Wind, by the way. Maybe I'll introduce you to someone I know. Then you can join the family. Interested?"

"No." Adam then started to attack.

Billy met him blow for blow.


Tommy and Rocky watched as Adam was launched towards Billy. They absentmindedly defended themselves against the Shadows that attacked them. They were to busy watching the fight between Adam and the person who looked like Billy.

The person who teleported in front of them in a cloud of brimstone, broke their reverie. He was demonic looking. From his two-fingered hands, his tail and his coal black eyes. He looked like a stylized version of a demon from hell. He was dressed in a black jumpsuit.

"Greetings, gentleman. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Stone."

"Is that supposed to mean something?" Tommy asked.

"I must talk to my publicist...." Stone muttered. "Anyway, I like to use blades when I fight. So in the spirit of fairness I'm going to allow you to morph and take the forms that let you access your swords. Unless of course you want me to cut you. Go on. I'll wait." Stone said.

Tommy and Rocky exchanged glances. Then they morphed into their Power Ranger uniforms. Rocky called for his sword and Tommy pulled Saba from it's sheath.

"Excellent. Shall we begin?" Stone asked.

Tommy and Rocky both attacked. They were not prepared for their blades to be blocked. Tommy barely managed to avoid the third blade that Stone used against him. The sword had been held in the demon's tail.

Stone looked at his tail. He then looked at Tommy. "What can I say? It has a mind of it's own."

They then proceeded to fight in earnest.


With the added support of the three Power Rangers, Spectrum Force and Excalibur were able to force the Shadows back. In a lull in the fight, Billy checked the wounded members of Spectrum Force. He then looked back to the others.

"Rachel?" Billy asked.

"Yes?" Rachel Castaneda asked.

"Yes?" Rachel Summers asked.

"I meant the Purple Enforcer Rachel."

"What is it, Billy?" Rachel Castaneda asked.

"Can I ask why we seem to have two Rocky's? Especially since this one seems to be older. And why am I fighting Adam and winning?" Billy asked.

"It's a long story. We'll have to tell you later." The Purple Enforcer told him.

"I await with bated breath."


Adam had always been one of the better fighters on the Power Rangers. He had long been acknowledged as being number three behind Jason and Tommy. To be honest, Billy had been ranked somewhere below Zack.

So when he faced the individual calling himself Wind, he wasn't prepared for the level of skill used against him. The two had thrown punches and kicks at each other. And each attack was blocked or evaded. Each attack was counter-attacked. Which was blocked or evaded.

Neither of them could gain an advantage.

To a certain extent, Adam found himself enjoying the fight. He was being forced to delve deeper and deeper into his pool of skills. He enjoyed fighting someone who made him actually work for it.

But as each attack he made was blocked or evaded, he realized that he would eventually hit the bottom of his pool of skills. And his opponent didn't seem to have that problem.


Tommy and Rocky were both gathering their breath. Stone had seemed almost ready to beat them when he had stepped back and let them take a breather. He was twirling his swords and humming under his breath.

"This guy is beginning to annoy me. Let's beat this guy so we can get out of here." Tommy said.

"Sounds good. Now just how the hell are we going to do it?" Rocky told him.

"Hey I just come up with the ideas. Billy's the one who actually implements them." Tommy said.

"Excuse me, but are we going to fight or not? I do have other things to do."

"Hold on will you? We're having a conversation." Rocky said.

"Yeah, man. Relax. It's not like you were losing. Geez Rocky, some people." Tommy said.

"That's it... Either fight me or leave." Stone told them.

"Okay. Rocky, let's go." Tommy then turned his back and started walking away.

Rocky looked to Stone. "Sorry, man. He's been kind of moody since his girlfriend left. Maybe we can try to kill each other later?" Rocky then followed Tommy.

"I don't believe this..." Stone muttered.


Matthew O'Connor was worried about Jocelyn and Tamara. Neither of them had stirred since they had been placed against a wall. He checked their vital signs and realized that they were alot weaker than they should be. "Rachel, we have a problem. They're getting worse."

"Rachel tell Spectra to send Trini down. She's a healer." Rocky said.

"Trini's here? Where is she?" Billy demanded.

"She's at the Cloud Castle. She'll be here in a few moments, Billy." Rachel Castaneda told him.

Rocky went over beside Billy. "The Billy that came with us and Trini are together, Billy. I thought you should know that."

"Tha- that's good to know. Thanks, Rocky. Is she happy with me?" Billy asked.

"Yes. I'd like to tell you more, but the Shadows are coming back." Rocky said.

Billy, Rocky and the others started defending themselves against the next wave of attackers. There was a soft flash of yellow and Trini appeared beside Tamara and Jocelyn. She then kneeled beside them.

Billy started to go over to her but Rocky grabbed his arm. "We're a little busy right now, Billy. Wait."

Billy started to shake Rocky's hand off his arm, when Rocky grabbed him and brought Billy's face up close to his. "I mean it, Billy. Wait. This is not the time. She's not having a good time either. We need her right now to heal Jocelyn and Tamara. You showing up right now will only make things worse. You understand me?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. But it's just so hard to see her and not be able to..." Billy said.

"I know, man. I know. Come on, we got a job to do."

"Right. I just got an idea." Billy said.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Rocky asked.

"Do you still like Jolt?"

Rahne looked over to the two. "Are yui bluidy well daft? Yui wan' to give Rocky Jolt ? Do yui ken what could happen?"

"Your Scot's aren't you?" Billy asked.

"Aye. Now answer me bleedin' question. Do yui ken what could happen if yui give Rocky Jolt?" Rahne said.

"Aye, lass. I do. There's something you have yet to `ken'. We have two Rocky's." Billy told her with a smile.

Rahne just looked at him for a moment. Then she figured it out. "Oh my..."

Billy just smiled at her even more. "CRAIG! I need you to get something for me..."


Craig Gillis had done some strange things since becoming a member of Spectrum Force. But none as strange as this. He had been told to get two 2 liter bottles of Jolt cola.

Hell of a time to get drinks for everybody. Wonder why it had to be Jolt, though? Craig thought.


Both Rocky's had been brought together. They each checked the other out. The older Rocky couldn't believe he had ever sounded so young. The younger Rocky couldn't believe he had a girlfriend.

"So, Billy. What is it you want the two of us to do?" The younger Rocky asked.

Billy just gave him a two liter of Jolt. "Drink this. All of it. You as well." As he gave another two liter to the older Rocky.

Kitty Pryde, Tommy Oliver, Rachel Summers and Rachel Castaneda gathered themselves around Billy. "And just what is your plan?" Kitty asked.

"Simply put, we have them drink the Jolt and then get out of the way. We then take out what's left." Billy said.

Rachel Summers and Rachel Castaneda looked at him. "And that is supposed to work?" Rachel Summers asked.

"You obviously have never seen Rocky on Jolt. If we don't act fast enough they won't leave anything behind." Billy told her.

Trini came up behind Billy. "Rachel, Tamara and Jocelyn will be fine. They were suffering from mild concussions and some broken ribs. They should be up and fighting in a few minutes."

Billy turned at the sound of Trini's voice. He stared at her but couldn't manage to say anything.

Trini looked at Billy. "It's all right, Billy. I understand." She then reached out and hugged him.

Billy panicked for second and then hugged her back. Billy realized that he never wanted to let go.

They both held the other until someone cleared their throat. "I'm sorry to interrupt but the Rocky's are ready."

"Thanks, Aisha." Billy said.

Billy and the others then made their way over to where Rocky and Rocky were standing. Or to be more precise, fidgeting.

The majority of the Shadows were watching the brawl between the giant- sized Adam and Wind.

"You two ready?" Billy asked.

"Yeslet'sgolet'sgolet'sgo. Iwanttohitsomethingnow. Comeoncomeoncomeon." The younger Rocky said.

The older Rocky wasn't much better. "Iwantogonownownownownownownow. Now!"

"Is everybody else ready?" Billy asked. After everyone either nodded their head or said, "Yes." he turned to the Rocky's. "Then attack."

Both of them let loose with almost identical banshee cries. They then started running towards the Shadows. The Shadows never knew what hit them.


Adam was having less fun now than he was earlier. Wind was more skilled than he was, even with the added benefit of the fighting memories gained from the Morphin Grid. He knew that his left forearm was fractured, his ribs were probably broken in three places and his right eye was starting to swell shut.

Of course Wind wasn't much better. Both of them were also starting to lose their added height and were both slowly returning to their natural heights. When they each finally reached their normal height, they kept fighting the other.

They both turned when they heard loud pitched screaming coming from behind them. They saw Shadows being thrown left and right. When the whirling mass slowed they saw two Rocky's laying into the Shadows.

Wind turned back to Adam. "They gave those two Jolt didn't they?" Wind said with a sigh.

"Must have. You going to surrender now?" Adam asked.

"Not quite. Thank you, Adam. This was a most enjoyable fight. The memories I have from Billy here tell me that the two of you are almost like brothers. Is that true?" Wind said.

"Yeah it is."

"To bad. Then he's really going to hate this..."

While Adam tried to puzzle out what that meant, he saw Wind place both hands behind the small of his back as if he was reaching for something. Adam's eyes widened when Wind brought his hands back to the front and they each held a gun."Good night, sweet prince." Wind said.


Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom stopped in the middle of the battle. They both looked at each other and then said one word. "Gunshots."


Stone looked around the battlefield. The mall parking lot they were in was completely trashed. As were parts of the mall itself. He was fairly happy with the results. He then looked down at the person Wind had shot. "Is he dead?"

"I don't know. I'd shoot him again but I'm out of rounds. And I don't know how to reload these weapons. I could use your sword if you want me to make sure." Wind asked.

"Why bother? You hit him what, ten times? That should be enough. We need to get out of here anyway. The sun's coming up and Celea doesn't have a shell to protect her from the light." Stone said.

"Sounds good. So where is Celea anyway?" Wind asked.

"I showed her some of the local Earth stores. She then decided to do a couple of things. She said she'd be back soon." Stone told him.

Celea then chose that moment to come back. "I received a message from my mother. She wants us to return. Flame and Flood have arrived." Celea told them.

Celea then looked at the two of them. "Why is she gathering the Elements? She rarely needs more than one of you at any one time."

"It appears that the Queen has decided to end this little charade of a war. Shall we go?" Stone said while offering his arm to Celea.

Celea took his arm and then they teleported out.


While the two Rocky's were fighting the last of the Shadows, the others made their way to where the gunshots had come from. They found Adam lying on the ground. Written above him on a wall in blood, was a short message. "Hey Billy, thanks for the guns. They shoot good."

Adam wasn't moving.

To Be Continued . . .

