Did You Know That...
by : Cryptk1165

Did you know that the battle of Good Vs. Evil began over ten millenia ago?

Did you know that the forces of good got a 10,000 year break after Rita Repulsa was locked in an intergalactic dumpster?

Did you know that Zordon used to be a wizard-warrior?

Did you know that Jason, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini were chosen by Zordon to become Power Rangers?

Did you know that Tommy was bewitched by Rita and became the evil Green Ranger?

Did you know that Lord Zedd came back after Rita failed to destroy the Rangers?

Did you know that three of Zedd's monsters were sent to infiltrate a Halloween party that went awry? And that one of the monsters was destroyed at that party? That Jenny, the Cryptkeeper, Hallie, Marvin, Jasmine, Bat Blastigun, and Cammy were transformed into demons? That they've lived at the cursed place ever since?

Did you know that the seven party-poopers were a club called the Secret Scouts?

Did you know that Rocky, Adam, and Aisha took Jason, Zack, and Trini's places as Rangers?

Did you know that after Tommy lost his Green Ranger powers, he became the White Ranger?

Did you know that while Tommy was bewitched, he killed Jenny's father and that the Scouts have wanted to kill him ever since?

Did you know that Lord Zedd and Rita got married?

Did you know that Rito Revolto is Rita's brother?

Did you know that the Scouts changed their name to the Hull House Hodjas?

Did you know that the Hodjas quit their demonic, murderous ways and became fierce warriors?

Did you know that Jenny signed in new members including Jay, Sal, Angela, Judy, and many more?

Did you know that the Machine Empire came and frightened Rita and Zedd away?

Did you know that Katherine and Tanya took Kimberly and Aisha's place as Rangers?

Did you know that the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers became known as the Zeo Rangers?

Did you know that a mysterious Gold Ranger showed up out of nowhere when the Zeo Rangers were in trouble?

Did you know that the Hodjas have had an overwhelming fear of the Gold Ranger?

Did you know that Jason temporarily took the guy's place as the Gold Ranger?

Did you know that the Hodjas changed their name again, this time to the Fighting Lancers?

Did you know that Angela, Judy, Rodger, Max, Frannie, Stooge, Helen, and Suzanne left the Lancers?

Did you know that the Lancers also got plenty of new members at the same time, including Guile, Chun Li, Brooklyn, Lexington, Demona, Van, Hanim, C.C., Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke, Baraka, Brak, Zorak, Aracula, Spinal, and Curly?

Did you know that Spinal happens to be very cute for a skeleton warrior?

Did you know that after Kim Mondo suffered a crushing defeat, Louie Kaboom conquered the machines?

Did you know that Prince Gasket and Archerina got rid of Louie and went after the Rangers themselves?

Did you know that Jenny wrote love notes to Gasket just to annoy him?

Did you know that Gasket brainwashed Tommy, giving Jenny the ultimate opportunity to avenge her father?

Did you know that King Mondo returned, more powerful than ever?

Did you know that the Gold Ranger powers were actually killing Jason, and that the real owner got his powers back?

Did you know that Divatox took over, and the fate of the Machine Empire is unknown?

Did you know that Rocky broke his back, and 11 year-old Justin took his place.

Did you know that Justin attacked Spinal at a power plant thinking that he worked for Divatox?

Did you know that Elgar is Divatox's nephew?

Did you know that Divatox always planted detonators?

Did you know that Billy had gone to Aquitar to be with his alien girlfriend?

Did you know that Zordon and Alpha 5 went to their home planet and were replaced by Dimitria and Alpha 6?

Did you know that Elgar has a major crush on Jenny and that he constantly proposes to her?

Did you know that the Blue Senturion crashed on Earth and that he thought the Lancers were evil at first?

Did you know that Divatox stopped planting detonators after the death of the Shrinkasect?

Did you know that Tommy was kidnapped by Divatox, then rescued by T.J. and Cassie?

Did you know that T.J., Cassie, Carlos, and Ashley replaced Tommy, Adam, Tanya, and Kat, who'd graduated from high school and were no longer teenagers?

Did you know that every single female monster ever created has fallen in love with at least one of the Lancer guys?

Did you know that Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster have minds of their own?

Did you know that the Phantom Ranger can camouflage himself?

Did you know that Cassie is in love with the Phantom Ranger?

Did you know that the Lancers (especially Spinal) are terrified of the Phantom Ranger?

Did you know that General Havoc is Divatox's brother and that he appears to be serious about being evil?

Did you know that after the Turbo Megazord was stolen by General Havoc, the Phantom Ranger provided new Rescue Zords?

Did you know that Jenny gets along better with T.J. than she did with Tommy?

Did you know that the Lancers changed their team name (hopefully for the last time) to their current name, the Spice Club?

Did you know that Divatox eventually found the Power Chamber and destroyed it?

Did you know that Zordon was captured by the Dark Specter?

Did you know that T.J., Carlos, Cassie, and Ashley went out into space to save Zordon?

Did you know that Justin stayed behind to stay with his dad?

Did you know that the Rangers met a new Red Ranger named Andros?

Did you know that Astronema was sent to destroy Andros?

Did you know that Ecliptor was always beating on Andros?

Did you know that Hallie is smitten with Ecliptor and always flirts with him?

Did you know that Ecliptor resembles licorice, so the Spices address him as "The Candyman?"

Did you know that Astronema is madly in love with Spinal and will not rest until she gets him?

Did you know that Jenny eventually admitted her love for Elgar?

Did you know that since Jenny first met Elgar, they've had a "twisted relationship?"

Did you know that the Rangers still haven’t found Zordon?

Did you know that the Spice Club members aren’t yet even aware of Zordon’s capture?

The End... for now

