Return of Kimberly/The Burgundy Ranger
by : Steve Folger

"Hey, sis! Ed! Dad! Check it out!", Rito says to Rita Repulsa, his father Master Vile and Lord Zedd as he looks through his sister's telescope. "Out of my way you walking bag of bones", Rita curses at her younger brother as she pushes him out of her way so she can see through her Ritascope. "What is it you see Rita?", her husband asks. "I don't believe it! The Rangers are about to run into our trap. The Tengas and Putties about to attack them and they don't see it coming", Rita tells him. "Yes I see. Goldar is leading the attack. The Rangers are about to be history finally this time", he says as his eye visor glows red as he watches the upcoming ambush. "Your Tengas and Putty Patrollers better do the job this time Zedd. I will not have my daughter be married to an incompetent fool", Vile tells Zedd. "Don't worry my dear father-in-law. This is the ultimate plan that shall annihilate the Rangers once and for all. My Inviso-Morpher monster will steal the Ranger's morphers and communicators. They will never have a chance to contact that old man Zordon. Soon the Rangers will be no more and then the Earth will be ours for the taking", Zedd shouts out in glory.

On Earth at Angel Grove Park, Tommy, Cat, Billy, Steve, Aisha, Rocky and Adam don't know what is about to happen as they are enjoying a walk through the park. As the Tengas, Putty Patrollers and Goldar watch the Rangers come into their sight, Goldar tells them to attack. "Tengas! Putties! Attack!", he shouts to the birds and patrollers. "Look out!", Tommy shouts to his friends. An armada of Tenga Warriors and Putty Patrollers invade the park and engage to fight the Rangers. "Oh man! Its an ambush!", Rocky shouts. "Let's do it guys! Its Morphin' Time!", Tommy tells them.

TOMMY: White Ranger Power!

ADAM: Black Ranger Power!

STEVE: Brown Ranger Power!

KAT: Pink Ranger Power!

BILLY: Blue Ranger Power!

AISHA: Yellow Ranger Power!

ROCKY: Red Ranger Power!

As the seven teens morph into their superhero forms, in unseen monster Rita and Zedd sent down shows up in the park. Inviso-Morpher, the unseen monster, sneaks up to Aisha and Billy while they are taking on two Tengas and it strips off their Power Morpher's off of their belts. They are both mysteriously de-morphed and the monster steals their communicators. "Hey! What happened to us?", Aisha cries. Aisha and Billy disapper as Inviso-Morpher touches them. Rocky and Adam each fight a Tenga and a Putty and then are taking down by a mysterious kick in the back. They are both demorphed as Inviso steals their Power Morphers and communicators too. "Hey! What just happened to Adam and Rocky? Where's Aisha and Billy too?", Kat says as she witnesses Adam and Rocky disappear into thin air. "Tommy! Steve!", she yells out to them as she is demorphed too as Inviso steals her morpher and communicator. "Huh! KAT!", Steve shouts to her. But as he gets to his friend, she disappears. "KAT! Hey Tommy! Where did everyone go?", he asks his white comrade. But before he could answer, Tommy is demorphed mysteriously and his commuicator is somehow stripped off of his wrist. "Steve!", he shouts out to him as he disappears. "Ha ha ha haaaa!", Goldar laughs as he heads toward to Steve. Steve turns around to face Goldar. "What you do with the others, Goldar? Where are my friends?", Steve menacingly asks the golden monkey. "What the...", he says as he is mysteriously demorphed. "Oh man! How did I de-morph?", he asks to himself. "Your days are over Brown Ranger. Forever! Ha ha ha haaaa!", Goldar screams at him. "I better contact Zordon", he says. But before he could reach for the button to contact Zordon, the communicator is gone in a flash. "Hey!", he shouts as he disappears too in a flash.

At the Command Center, Zordon and Alpha witnesses the Rangers strange disappearance on the Viewing Globe. "Oh aiyiyiyyi! Zordon what has happened to the Rangers? What are we going to do?", Alpha asks his friend. "I know Alpha. I also cannot get any location on the Rangers' whereabouts", he tells to Alpha. "Wait Zordon! I have an idea that can save the Rangers. I can get the Power Color Changer at Billy's home. If you can get a psychic to Steve, he can make the Burgundy Ranger comeback", Alpha informs his master. "Excellent idea Alpha. But be careful. Billy's family could be home. And I'll send a psycic link to Steve so he can tell the the other Rangers of our plan", Zordon tells Alpha. "Right away Zordon. Teleporting now", Alpha says as he hits a button on the console that teleports him to Billy's home.

As Alpha arrives at Billy's house, he ducks behind the bushes as Bulk and Skull they drive up the street in their Patrol Bike. "Hey Bulky! Did you see that little robot?", Skull asks his friend as they drive past Billy's house. "Keep your eyes on the road man!", Bulk shouts at him. Skulls hits ths brakes and the two of them fly off the cycle and into the garbage cans that are across the road from Billy's house. "Bulkmeier! Skullovich! Come in!", a voice comes over on their CB as they get up from their accident with the garbage cans. "Come in Sir!", Bulk grabs the handle and responds to Lt. Stone's call. "Heh heh!", Alpha emits out a giggle as he witnesses Bulk and Skulls accident from behind the bushes. As the bumbling junior police officers head off, Alpha hurrily runs into Billy's garage and searches for the Color Power Changer. His search only lasts for a minute as he finds the color changer on the workbench and teleports back to the Command Center.

Meanwhile at a unknown dungeon where the Rangers are held, they are trying to figure out where they really are. "Where are we?", Aisha asks. "I don't know guys. It sure isn't a dimension. Its more like of a dugeon or someplace of another", Billy says. "But we got to find a way to get of here anyway somehow. Our morphers and communicators are gone. We can't even get in touch with Zordon and Alpha", Tommy tells his friends as they explore the dungeon. "It looks like Rita and Zedd have finally done it to us this time", Adam says. "Man! There is no way out of here. No doors or anything", Rocky shouts. "Hey guys! Where's Steve at?", Kat asks as she doesn't see him anywhere in the room with them. "I'm up here guys!", a hanging Steve says from the window sill that is 8 feet off of the floor. "I think I know where we are. We're in Maser Vile's Space Skull. I can see Rita and Zedd's palace from here", he tells his friends. "Ungh! Woah!", he groans as he falls to the floor on his feet and then crouches to his knees. "You okay Steve?", Billy asks him. "Zordon!", Steve says as he gets up. He's getting a psychic link from his mentor. Searching deep down into his mind, Steve can hear Zordon. "Steve. I have some news. Alpha and I are using the Color Power Changer to re-instate the Burgundy Ranger. It is the only hope in rescuing you and the others. Please inform the Rangers at once", he stops as Steve re-awaakens to his conscious state. "Guys! Your are not going to believe this. But it look like Zordon has found a way to rescue us. The Burgundy Ranger", Steve tells his friends after his psychic link with Zordon. "But how can that be? The Burgundy Ranger was only of temporary usage when you almost lost your powers", Rocky tells Steve. "Wait a sec, Rocky", Billy tells him. "The Color Power Changer can bring back the Burgundy Ranger. Remnants of Steve's power coin that was inside the changer can be used to bring back the Burgundy Ranger. Just the question is, who will be the Burgundy Ranger?", he tells his Ranger friends. "Hey! I know guys. I'll try to get a link back to Zordon," Steve says and then he goes back into his mind to contact Zordon.

"I here you Steve", Zordon says as he gets the message from Steve. "Alpha! As you are done with the changer. Search for Kimberly's whereabouts in Florida. She is the only hope in saving the Rangers now", he tells to Alpha. "Right away Zordon", he says.

The Viewing Globe shows Kimberly practicing her balances on the balance beam. Her coach, Gunther Schmidt, observes her works of feat and stamina. "Gook work, Kim. You are doing better now", her coach tells her. As Kim gets off the beam she says, "Thanks. Is that it for practice now?" "Yes. Same time for practice tomorrow as before", her coach informs her. "Ok. See you then", she says. She gets all of her things together and heads for her locker and puts them away. Just as she gets done, she is wisked away in a energy of white light to the Command Center.

"Yes! We did it! We have captured the Rangers and have their precious Power Morphers and communicators", Zedd snarls in excitement. "Yes! The Rangers are no more. Zordon can't do a thing now. Ha ha ha ha!", Rita laughs. Rito and Goldar dance in a frenzy of ecstasy. "Hey Ed! You did it man", Rito tells his brother-in-law. "I can care less what you call me now. I'm so excited and I just cannot hide it. Let's party everyone! Yes! Party! Ha ha ha ha!", Zedd shouts.

"What the...", Kimberly says as she arrives at the Command Center. "Welcome back Kimberly", her former mentor says to her. "Zordon? What's going on? What am I doing back here?", she asks him. "I am sorry Kimberly. But I have grave news and I had to bring you back for a last resort", he informs the former Pink Power Ranger. "What do you mean? Where are the others at?", she ask him. "The Rangers have been captured and their power morphers and communiators have been taken away by an unseen monster. I have been in psychic contact with your cousin Steve. They are being held in a dungeon on Master Vile's Space Skull. You are our only hope in saving them. You will get the power of the Burgundy Ranger. The former power of your cousin Steve", he tells her. "But how can I get that power Zordon. I thought that Steve destroyed the Brown Candle", she tells him. "The Color Power Changer has a remnant of Steve's power coin. It can be used to turn you back into a Ranger but only in the color of burgundy", Alpha informs her after finishing re-configuring the color changer. "Ready Kimberly?", the android asks her as he points the device at her. "I guess so. Let's do it", she says. The changer emits a wave at Kimberly and she is intantly morphed into the Burgundy Ranger. "Wow! I even look great in this color", she says. "Zordon! What about a zord? Can I use one of the Ninja or Shogun zords?", she asks. "Yes Kimberly. Use the Crane Ninjazord and use it to rescue the others and you will share the Brown Shogunzord along with Steve. Good luck and may the power protect you", he tells to the new Burgundy Ranger. The Crane Ninjazord shows up and Kimberly jumps up to the cockpit of the zord. "Here I come guys. Kimberly to the rescue", she says as the zord takes off to the Space Skull of Master Vile's.

As the party still goes on in Zedd and Rita's palace, Master Vile sees the Ninjazord fly past the palace and heading to his Space Skull. "Blast it! Curses! I don't believe it! How can this be?", Vile swears. "Party's over everyone! Hey dad who is in that zord?", Rito asks his father. "Its that former Pink Power pest, Kimberly", he tells his skeleton son. "What? I don't believe this. How can this be?", Zedd snarls. "She's heading for the Space Skull. Zeddie, do something", she tells her husband.

Kimberly shoots a laser at the Space Skull and a hole is blasted open revealing the dungeon where the Rangers are. "Hey guys! Over here! Look!", Steve says as he points to the hole Kimberly blasted open for them to escape. She parks the zord near the hole and the Rangers escape the dungeon. Ony by one the seven rangers jump into the zord's open doorway where they are safe. Kimberly heads back to Earth and lands the zord. As the ramps opens down to the ground where they all get out, Kimberly heads out the last and then reveals herself to her cousin and friends as she de-morphs back to her normal self. "KIMBERLY!", everyone of them shouts her name out in awe. They all give her a hug.

"Zordon! I found the communicators and morphers. They were also on Master Vile's Space Skull", Alpha tells Zordon. "Quickly Alpha! Teleport them back to the Rangers at once", he informs his android companion. The morphers and communicators return to thier owners in the flash of their colors. "Hey! We got our communicators back", Adam shouts in gleam. "And our morphers too", Billy adds. "Now we can morph", Rocky says. "Let's do it guys! Its Morphin' Time!', Tommy commands as the 8 Rangers morph again into their superhero alter egos.

TOMMY: White Ranger Power!

ADAM: Black Ranger Power!

KIMBERLY: Burgundy Ranger Power!

STEVE: Brown Ranger Power!

KAT: Pink Ranger Power!

BILLY: Blue Ranger Power!

AISHA: Yellow Ranger Power!

ROCKY: Red Ranger Power!

"Make our monster grow!", Rita and Zedd command as the put thier staffs together and make Inviso-Mopher to monstrous proportions. Inviso-Morpher is no longer invisible as he appears to the Rangers. "We need Shogunzord Power!", the Rangers command.

TOMMY/KAT: White Shogunzord!

STEVE/KIMBERLY: Brown Shogunzord!

ADAM: Black Shogunzord!

BILLY: Blue Shogunzord!

AISHA: Yellow Shogunzord!

ROCKY: Red Shogunzord!

As the Shogun Megazord forms, Titanus shows up and it forms ShogunUltrazord. The Ninja Falconzord and Owl Ninjazord combines with it by becoming the artillery of the Shogun Megazord's arms. "No way! I'll make you and your zords disappear for good", Inviso says to the Rangers. "We don't think so. Your the one who is gonna disappear for good", Kimberly shouts back at the monster. The UltraZord fires all weapons at Inviso-Morpher and he gets bombarded by the fire power and then he collapses to the ground and explodes.

"Why those Power Party Poopers! Can't they take a hint that I want them destroyed", Zedd yells as he sits in his throne chair. "I told that your an incompetent fool, Zedd. I have the ultimate plan to rid of the Rangers myself", Vile tells him. "What makes you think you can do any better then me?", he growls at Rita's father. "I have this. The Orb of Doom", Vile says as he pulls out a large crystal ball. "It will rid of the Rangers once and for all. It will turn back time and turn the Rangers into children", he tells of his evil plan to Zedd and Rita. "Well excuse me! We've tried that before and it obviously failed us", Zedd tells him. "How dare you compare of my plan!", Vile curses at him. "This will work. And it will. Beware Rangers! Your days as Power Rangers are about to be over for good. Ha ha ha ha!", Vile laughs as his plan for the Rangers's ultimate doom will happen.

At the Command Center, Kimberly tells the team that she has to return to Florida. "Well guys. This is it. I have to return back to Florida", shes tells them. "We'll miss you Kim", Adam tells her. "Yeah! We sure will", Tommy tells her as he hugs her goodbye. "Thank you Zordon. It was fun being a Ranger again for just a short period of time", she tells her mentor. "Your welcome Kimberly. Good luck back home", Zordon tells her. She hugs all of her friends goodbye then goes to Steve. "I''m really going to miss you Kim. I love you very much cousin", Steve tells her cousin as he gives her a long hug goodbye. "I love you too, Steve. Tell Uncle Steve and Kelly I said hi. OK?", she says to him. "I will. I promise", Steve says to her. "I'll miss you all. Bye", she says and then she is teleported back home to Florida. As Steve sees his cousin teleports away, her sheds a little tear in his eye. "You going to be alright, Steve?", Billy asks him. "Yeah. I will. I just hope she does come back to visit someday", Steve tells Billy. "Don't worry man. She will", Tommy tells his friend.

The End... for now

